Title: Plausible Deniability: Rejected
Pairing: Siwon/Heechul
Genre: Legends!AU
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: The boys are their own people. I just own the creative rights.
Wordcount: 737
Warnings: Explicit sexual content.
Summary: Where Heechul is a bored and annoyed Cupid and Siwon is the unwitting Psyche.
A/N: For
sjpornathon challenge #1 - World Legends
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Comments 9
Good job with all of them though! NC-17 no less, proud ;)
One complaint: why must drabbles be your thing~ ;A; too short!
HAHAHAHAHAHA. That's it for my porn quota for the year
It's either that or they get obnoxiously long ;A;
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Influence from Percy Jackson series xD I figured the Gods have a lot of time on their hands to be complete irritation to everyone. Heechul isn't clumsy. He just made a mistake LMAO
It's always the innocent and sweet looking one <-- Ain't that the truth?
It's actually a lot sadder than it actually sounds LOL
I wanna expand this soon! I hope > >
You go write the longer ones kay?
Thank you for reading and commenting! :)
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