Incredibly late doing this but I am still determined to do it anyway. Better late than never!
First Fic of the Year: 30/1/2012
Total Wordcount: 19,828 (A lot less than my 58,365 word count from 2011. But it is honestly actually a lot more I expected).
Favourite Fic: Has to be my seven sins!AU fic.
Overflowing With Us (If Only It Was True).
Best Fic: Same fic as above. Hands down. Once the idea started forming, it won't leave me alone until it was written.
Most Underappreciated Fic:
Love Me All Over Again and
Seasons of Wear. Love Me All Over Again mainly because it's a Shindong fic. I'm guilty of not paying as much attention to Shindong as much as the other members. And from a fandom's perspective, RPF would have been hard anyway because he has a girlfriend in real life. Seasons of Wear was my first Kibum/Kyuhyun fic. Not only it is one of the rarest pairing I've known, but it is also because a lot of fans are post-Kibum so they're not too familiar with him. To be fair, I joined the fandom during '09 but I loved what I saw of him from past SJ footage so I'm still quite attached to the guy.
Most Fun Fic: It was a tie between my seven sins AU! and this but in the end
Three Times Yesung Misunderstood and the One Time of Perfect Clarity. As a multi-linguist, I feel Henry's pain when languages get into the way of conversations LOL
Sexiest Fic: My entries to the sjpornathon. The best two strangely involved Heechul xD
Plausible Deniability: Rejected and
The Smile Beneath Those Eyes.
Fic that Shifted My Own Perceptions of the Characters: Strangely, it was the drabbles that had Siwon in them.
Plausible Deniability: Rejected and
Love Is The Game We Play, both of which are also sjpornathon entries. I don't particularly like writing Siwon. It's hard to get into a proper mindset. It shifts for me every time I write something based on him. But writing these two drabbles, there is a very obvious distinction between both Siwons in both drabbles. Rereading them made me realized that that with the right elements, different facets of Siwon could be fleshed out properly. It was quite an interesting thought mostly.
Fic I'm Most Proud of:
Overflowing With Us (If Only It Was True). Of all the ideas I had brainstorming back in 2012, this was my baby that I adore the most. I'm hoping to expand more of this AU this year. Hopefully the kinks would work out nicely.
Biggest Disappointment: Still Two Worlds Collide (which I promise I will get back to it when my mind is in the right place).
Biggest Surprise:
The Smile Beneath Those Eyes. It placed second guys. Quite unexpected because I quite adore the rest of the entries and they were a lot scarier than mine (the theme was horror). Mine was neither too porny nor too scary. But I still thank everyone for the support anyway :)
Hardest Fic to Write: Porn is always hard to write. So everything submitted for sjpornathon. And the Shindong fic
Love Me All Over Again.
Easiest Fic to Write:
Windfall Puppy Love. I'm a sucker for Kyuhae. Always had been. Couldn't resist with all the tweeting the boys had when promotions started.
Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you'd predicted?: I knew I was writing lesser than I did last year. I wasn't stuck in writer's block per se. It was more the commitment to finish what I started that didn't really stick so much. But the fact my total wordcount still came close to 20k anyway was quite gratifying.
Goals for Next Year: Well. I was in an in-between place last year. Still am this year. But with a more clear-headed mind. While I don't aim to set any word count limit for 2013, I do have ideas and stories brewing. Lots of projects and ideas still pending from years before. I guess my aim would be to finally clear up as much as I can.
Fic written in 2011: 5 drabbles and 7 one-shots.