112 Ocean Avenue is not a place to spend the night

Nov 05, 2009 17:21

[Have this written in neat and incredibly old fashioned handwriting on the journal page]

Remember, remember the fifth of November.
The Gunpowder Treason and Plot
I know of no reason
Why the Gunpowder Treason
Should ever be forgot

[And we’re back to Crowley dictating his entry as usual, because he’s lazy and only wrote the rhyme to build atmosphere]

It occurs to me most of you are woefully uneducated on cultures outside of your own little universes or what the castle deems as a holiday. So, I come bearing an example from merry old blighty. [Pause] That’s Britain, for those having trouble keeping up.

So, on this day in 1605, a bloke called Guy Fawkes decided he’d assassinate the king by blowing up the Houses of Parliament. This was due to one of those silly Protestants vs Catholics spats, again. What you humans do in the name of religion, really. Newsflash: We don’t give a shit. We’ll take your soul either way.

Ah. That was a random tangent, sorry. Anyway, the plot was discovered before any exploding could be done and Mr Fawkes was taken to the Tower of London and tortured. When the day of his execution finally came, he jumped from the gallows, breaking his neck and cheating Mr. Executioner out of the opportunity of giving him the hanged, drawn and quartered treatment. [Chuckles] Good old Guido, giving them the finger ‘til the end.

To celebrate this, we have a little holiday called Bonfire Night, or Guy Fawkes Night, it varies. Every year in the United Kingdom there are gatherings of people all across the land. Little kids make an effigy of Guy Fawkes, and go door to door asking for money for the bloody thing, to fund the aforementioned gathering. Americanitis is killing that little tradition off, though, pity there doesn’t seem to be a cure for that. Anyway, the little Guy Fawkes effigy is burned on a very large bonfire, while people watch. Hey kids, burning people at the stake is cool! Tell your friends! There’s also fireworks, and toffee apples...which I never really understood, but whatever.

So there you go, Paradisa, some holiday culture not based around mass marketing or pretending you get along with your family members. Someone go start a big fire in the gardens and burn a scarecrow version of Clark or someone on it.


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