-22- Runnin' Down a Dream

Feb 11, 2010 13:28

I think I missed you, you silly book.
...I know I'm probably going to regret that in a matter of days, but... hell.
A girl can only stay mad for so long, I guess.

[she came back the same way that she had left-- quietly and without warning. Had it really only been a month? It seemed as though she'd been away for ages, as she pushes open the big front doors and steps back into the reoccurring dream that was the Castle.

she saunters over to the couch-- which she could instantly tell at least one other intruder had taken residence upon while she was gone-- and digs her ashtray out of the cushions, right where she knew it would be. Setting it down, she wordlessly reclaims her throne, kicking her feet up onto the table and cracking her journal open beside her.

Faye lights up a cigarette, lounges back, and lets the gossip chatter on from the journal. It was just as obnoxious, melodramatic, and hyperactive as she remembered...and it made her smile.]

((ooc: Faye's back! Open post...she's going to be spending most of the day in the lobby, not really eager to get back to her room just yet. She's missed you silly bastards. ;;))

faye valentine

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