[Investigators of the Kiryu Murder]
[Which is to say: Eunice, Smecker, Hodgins, Apollo, Maya, Clark, and York. Apollo's sounding businesslike again, dictating into the journal.]
Alright, I think we've found all we're going to find for now on this case. Before we go any further, it might be a good idea to consolidate all our evidence and see if we can't draw some better conclusions from it.
Everyone, feel free to chime in whenever you've got something. With what we've got so far, finding the killer might not be too much of a struggle. I'll be interviewing a few of Mister Kiryu's friends in the meantime to glean some more information.
I need to ask you a few questions about Joshua. Are you busy?
Are you busy? I've got a few questions for you.
(ooc: Hokay, I'm gonna be super-sparse today because work + Pokemon + public transport + plans tonight, but consider this a mingle/meeting post to get all our info together in one spot, and hopefully make some strides towards the killer! I know Eunice and Question have some ideas of stuff they want to do as well, so taking their lead on that would be aces.
Just a sec while I put up comment threads! AND DONE.)