This whole wishing thing... it’s the castle doing the work, right? Not us? Light, but this can’t have anything to do with channeling. That’s Rand's problem, not mine.
[since his original run-in with the ghosts, Mat’s been attempting to avoid them. Only... they really do seem harmless and, more to the point, they’re everywhere. So, giving it up as an exercise in futility, he’s decided to give exploring another go. After all, he might as well learn about the place if he’s going to be stuck here awhile.
He’s wished up a quarterstaff, just in case, and wandering from room to room on the main floor]
...isn’t there supposed to be a kitchen down here? Just where exactly is it hidin’, then? I know it’s a magic castle an’ all, but you’d think it be a bit of a chore to hide one big enough to feed the whole bloody castle.
[edging warily around a ghost as it passes him, he goes to examine the strange looking things on the counter in the room he’s in] And what are all these metal whatsits all over the place. Like something you’d expect in an Illuminator’s workshop, all buttons and strange lights and whatnot.
[hmm... there’s a button that says “Start” on this one. He glances around, but no one’s there. It’s just him and the ghosts and his own curiosity.
Looking back at the box, he balances on the balls of his feet and hefts his quarterstaff just in case, before jabbing the button with one finger]
[there’s a yelp caught by the journal as the box seems to come to life, light pouring out through the window and it begins making a noise unlike anything he’s heard before.
Half expecting it to explode, he swings the staff automatically, ready to break it to bits before it can do whatever it’s about to do, except he steps on something slippery and immediately loses his balance.] Light!
[a thud as he hits the ground, followed by a clatter as his quarter staff tumbles over the kitchen tiles. The microwave, unaware of how close it came to yet another demise, whirs on, completely unaffected]
[ooc: Open, in the kitchen or over the journals]