[ private ]
Mother's Day is coming up... I do miss Mom. I wonder if I see her more in the future? Am I still too busy or have I left the café? I can't see myself leaving it anyway-- it's almost like a second home to me. I miss working there, too. I don't dislike anything here, even work... there was just something special about Bonheur.
Hm... Is Shindou-san okay? Mother's Day... I'll have to keep an eye on him. It'd be great if I could cheer him up if he is sad about it.
[ sighs ]
Nothing in the Castle has changed in the past week. What's going on with the vampires? S-Scary... but we'll all be alright? Everyone looks out for each other. Er... most anyway.
I should take up Faith-san's offer.
[ friends ]
I'm sorry for not getting back to you all sooner and making you worry. I was on a weird loss for a week but I'm back now and safe.
Um... [ a long pause, luckily they can't see her embarrassed face ] Thank you... everyone.
[ ryou-kun ]
Are you free?
[ faith-san ]
Is it okay to accept that offer from a while ago? The self-defense. I would really like to know! If that's fine...
[ bart ]
Thank you for taking care of Paintbrush and Vanilla for me.
[ arthur-kun ]
Maybe I shouldn't... crap-- I already--
Um, hello!
[ sasuke-kun ]
Thank you.
[ there a purring sound that can be heard over the journals. uru sits on her bed with paintbrush and she dictates into the journal ]
Is anyone good with scissors? For cutting hair, I mean. I need to trim mine sine my bangs are getting in my eyes all the time.
I noticed I don't hang out with girls a lot here. I think that all of us girls should get together and do something. Maybe lunch or a movie, anything! Ah, Chie-chan I forgot we made plans. It'll be lots of fun-- like a girls' night out. ♥