May 16, 2010 18:47
[because he can't be assed to write, he'll just announce it loudly and hope everyone understands]
As half of you may be aware, there are Pokemon in the castle. And since all our kids just left us and we're in the midst of spring, let me tell you a little something about them.
You see, like people, Pokemon can like each other. And if they like each other enough and are in a similar grouping, they can make...
[he pauses dramatically]
Eggs! Don't ask how, even the leading professors in the field can't figure that one out. All you need to know is that if they're left alone for a while, an egg will be there the next day.
So you got an egg. What next? Well, you can't just leave it alone in a warm spot. That ain't going to cut it. Nope, you gotta carry it around, run around with it for a little bit. Why? It's hard to explain, but it's kinda like a trial period, you know. Try out a product for thirty days blah blah blah... It's like they're really conscious down under their shell and you gotta show them the world around so it can be ready to hatch. But be careful! They take in their surroundings pretty well. [because he has a gambling Togepi back home]
Questions? Ask me, Gold!