Jul 25, 2010 00:26
[dictated loudly, so that anyone with their journal open might be able to hear over the din]
This is the Doctor, speaking. I will make this brief: anyone seeking a safe haven from these attacks can come to Room 1102. There are two TARDISes here and though we are still without power, there is plenty of room for you all.
If you need an escort, I can come and find you.
[that being said, he's armed himself with a longsword he bought at yesterday's festival, and is near the door to the room, ready to let anyone in while Eleven is out killin' the demons]
((OOC: Sections in comments - tag it up wherever you like! Anyone replying to the journal entry in general - i.e., to ask for help - can just do so as normal. Kay, York, and Rorschach will be helping Five out as escorts, so if you have a CR preference, let me know!))
!berserk plot,
fifth doctor