[pen taps... followed by a long stretch of silence]
...Am I?
Then you are... too. So rot in there...
...We'll see. [journal slams shut.] [/private]
[some time later:]
[filter to: seth, charlie (question), rin, eva, jyuushiro, elektra]
He's dead.
When he returns, it should be without them. ...Even so... there is always a chance that the castle has other plans.
...Please be careful. [/filter]
[filter: crowley]
[around 2PM, there's a knock on your door, bro. open up!] [/filter]
[filter: claire saunders]
[and around 4PM, there's a knock on your door, lollipop partner :>] [/filter]
[room filter;]
[all that done, Abel is slipping back in the room where he left a certain wifey-wife. because there is nothing quite as calming as wifey. <3]
Lilith...? Are you still here?