that. [...Tad growls softly, and Rin strokes his fur, thinking silently, sighing.]
Don't be worried, okay? I'm not going to do anything yet.
[eventually, she opens the journal and dictates.]
As many of you know, we've been working on an outpost project out at the border of the castle's power and also on one building in the dead zone for the past several months.
These buildings are just about finished! We're pretty much putting on the final touches now. They're livable, and I think they're beautiful, and I'd really like everyone who worked on them at some point or is interested in taking shifts out at the dead zone outpost to do castle observation, or anyone who's just interested in doing anything out there, spending time out there, to come and see them once they're done! I figure we could have a lot of fun with it... the dead zone outpost is right on the lake, after all. It's perfect for swimming. We could have a day out there, and do a nice big dinner for everyone. A cookout, they say, right?
This Monday, I think, if all of you are interested. Bring something to swim in, and something to share if you want to, and we'll feed everyone and play some games and have a good time... and start things off well. And, since I was hoping this would be neutral ground for castle residents, I was thinking we could mostly be in the dead zone, and that everyone would keep things friendly there. [a certain droll intonation near the end there. =|]
Additionally, if you expressed interest in taking shifts out there before when I first suggested the project, please speak up if you still would like to do something like that! I'll see if I can't start getting a schedule drawn up for people.
If this works out, you want to man a grill?
[Outpost Volunteers]
I was also thinking, maybe we should sign our work. With a sign, or something? Everyone who put in any time out there or who takes a shift can sign their name.
[people who care]
[sounding somewhat tired, now that all the public speaking is over with.]
...Can you guys suggest anything to help with restless sleeping?
[and then, a pause of some minutes.]
...Oh, right.
Also, I bought a hot air balloon at the festival the townspeople had. Does anyone want to help me carry the money down? And the basket back up?