Sep 20, 2010 16:49
[The journal lays open where he's sitting, patiently waiting for him to notice. Eventually, he spots it as he looks around in vague but controlled confusion. A brief skim through the pages and, finding nothing of importance, he tosses it in some random corner.
He never did like books anyway.
And it seems that the entry stops there, but the journal is persistent and wants his attention, damn it, and wedges itself neatly into his belt as he's already walked out to explore his new surroundings. The audio begins again as he takes the book and opens it with a sigh.]
Well, if that's not a sign that this thing's important, I don't know what is.
Let's see-
[Shuffle shuffle shuffle]
-okay, that didn't help. So what are the chances that Flynn knocked me out and this is some weird dream?
[ooc | Putting up a post while essay-ing is totally cool mmkay.]
yuri lowell