I've compiled a list of all the questions that have been asked of our present company, Flora and Zexion. Hopefully, when seen all together, they will help fill in some of the holes in our knowledge about the world beyond Cair Paradisa, and the people who've managed to sustain themselves in it...
Anyone reading this may also want to refer liberally to the entry on
this page by a very resourceful woman named Lois Lane. Miss Lane, we've not yet met, but I commend you on your research and your tenacity!
Without further ado, here are my findings.
* - Answered by Flora
# - Answered by Zexion
~ - Information gleaned from other residents during the discussions
Mineas Well:
- The Legend of Mineas Well: "Long ago, a young man set out on a quest to retrieve the sap of this tree, which is said to have healing properties. He wished to save his kingdom and his people, and to win the love of his queen. There was another faction that met him here, after his long and dangerous journey, and he was stabbed and left to die. He crawled to the tree and used its sap to try and save himself, only to find that it did not cure his wound. Many flowers grew out of of his wound, and it split him apart." *
- The tree inside Mineas Well has magic that functions within the Dead Zone, but can only be accessed by one who has made a pact with it; in this case, Flora herself. *
- The sap of Mineas Well has great healing powers, but is too strong to use upon the human body. *
- There is an illusion outside the gates that keeps the more violent 1st Generation factions from even perceiving Mineas Well. It seems akin to the perception filters and protection barriers equipped within the TARDIS. *
- Mineas Well is meant as a gathering place for neutral parties to rest and refresh themselves. *
The First Generation:
- It is divided into several factions, and comprised of vaguely 500 people. *#
- There are two distinct large groups, and many smaller ones that travel more nomadically. #
- The nomadic groups are the peaceful ones, and will trade in information or rare goods. #
- Occasionally those living outside of Cair Paradisa will find themselves affected by the same world changes as us. This is a reason to keep our guard up, even when not at the castle proper, as it were. #
- The larger, non-hostile group is "more Northern". Reno Browne has mentioned mountains - it can easily be surmised that she is in this group. #
- Anyone wishing to leave the castle and join a faction must be self-sufficient for a minimum of five years before joining them. #
The Hostile Group:
- It stays close to the castle, and is protective of its territory. There are "a hundred or so" members, but only three iron suits. #
- It is possible that they have found a place similar in nature to Mineas Well to shelter in. *
- It is uncertain whether they have an explicit plan to attack Cair Paradisa or the town proper. # This is a fair bit of information - when they showed themselves at the festival, their only victim was Joy, another non-resident, which hints at a conflict within the First Generation.
- They abhor John Hammond, in particular, for some reason. It was said that mentioning him was an easy way to tell friend from foe. #
- The suits are powered by batteries with a source that glows blue. They need to be recharged. #
((OOC: The source was speculated about
in this thread by Noble-Two and York/Delta, though it is a FILTERED conversation.))
The World of Paradisa:
- Magic can exist within the Dead Zone as long as its source comes from Paradisa itself. *
- The other sources of magic do not seem to be as capricious or malicious as that which resides in Cair Paradisa proper. #
- There is a secret behind the townspeople that Flora cannot reveal - it connects the City Royale to the castle. *
- It is possible to remain here for decades. *
- It is unknown if there is a certain period of time after which it becomes impossible for a resident to return home. *
- Journals cannot "follow their owners freely" inside the Dead Zone. *
- There is another area beyond the Dead Zone where powers function, but its location moves and fluctuates. #
Other things of note:
- There has been mention of a woman named Lente, who lives in her own dwelling South of the castle. She apparently also knows Flora and Zexion. #~ (Source: Anonymous)
Books Missing From The Library: Genetics in the Wild by John Hammond, Identifying Paradisian Flora by Morphology and DNA Fingerprints by Unknown, Flora Mirabilis by Unknown, Describing Species by John Hammond, and Flora and Fauna by Unknown ~ (Source: Junior Yuki Nagato, Momo Mizrahi, & Nikola Tesla)
... There. [there's a heavy sigh as he sets down his pen and shakes out his hand. yes, he wrote it all. dictation would've just been SILLY.] Now, I think, some brunch is in order ...
((OOC: All questions and answers are present at the writing of THIS post. If anyone gets any answers that're of relevance as a result of backtagging, feel free to post them here as written addendums!!))