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Nov 29, 2010 17:36


•Chaos theory
•Quantum chaos
•Creatio ex nihilo

Chaos (noun)
•From Ancient Greek χάος (khaos, "vast chasm, void"), from the verb χαίνω, "gape, be wide open, etc.", from PIE *ghen-, cognate to Old English geanian, "to gape", whence English yawn.

Hesiod, Theogony:
"From Chaos came forth Erebus and black Night; but of Night were born Aether (5) and Day, whom she conceived and bare from union in love with Erebus."
•The initial state of the universe. A dark indefinite void considered as a divine primordial condition from which everything else appeared.
•The lower atmosphere which surrounded the earth, the space between heaven and earth. The mother or grandmother of the other substances of air: Nyx (Night), Erebos (Darkness), Aither (Light) and Hemera (Day), as well as the various emotion-affecting Daimones which drifted through it. Goddess of fate. The first to emerge.

Discord (noun)
•C.1230, Middle English descorde, discorde; from Anglo-Norman, Old French descort (derivative of descorder), descorde ("disagreement"); from Latin discordia, from discord-, discors ("disagreeing, disagreement"), from dis- ("apart") + cor, cordis, cord-, cors ("heart")
•Verb from Middle English discorden, from Anglo-Norman, Old French descorder, from Latin discordāre, from discord-.

Strife (noun)
•Old French estrif, from Frankish strīban, ultimately of Germanic origin, compare German Streit (“quarrel, dispute”).

Eris (Greek Ἔρις, "Strife". Latin "Discordia")
•Daughter of Nyx
•Wedding of Peleus and Thetis. Uninvited, but appeared anyway with the golden apple of discord. Label attached: "to the fairest". Discord amongst the gods over who should receive the apple, leading to Paris of Troy being chosen to judge. Chose Aphrodite in exchange for Helen of Troy, who was already married. This started the Trojan War.
•Polytekhnos and Aedon. They claimed to love each other more than Hera and Zeus were in love. Hera sent Eris as Polytekhnos was finishing off a chariot board, and Aedon a web she had been weaving. Eris, "Whosoever finishes thine task last shall have to present the other with a female servant!" Aedon won. Polytekhnos was not happy by his defeat, so he raped Aedon's sister. He then disguised her as a slave, presenting her to Aedon. When Aedon discovered this she chopped up Polytekhnos' son and fed him to him. The gods turned them all into birds.
•Hesiod's Works and Days 11-24
•Hesiod's Theogony, (226-232)

Eris (Dwarf planet, Trans-Neptunian Object, Plutoid, Scattered Disc.)
•136199 Eris, 2003 UB313
•Aphelion: 97.56 AU
•Perihelion: 37.77 AU
•Semi-major axis: 67.67 AU
•Eccentricity: 0.441 77
•Orbital period: 203,600 days, 557 years
•Average orbital speed: 3.436 km/s
•Mean anomaly: 197.634 27°
•Inclination: 44.187°
•Longitude of ascending node: 35.869 6°
•Argument of perihelion: 151.430 5°
•Satellites: Dysnomia

•Lyapunov characteristic exponent


•Rényi entropy
0, α

d(fτ(x),fτ(y)) > exp(aτ)d(x,y)
•requires one positive Lyapunov exponent

•K = 0 and Ω irrational

χ = Φm

m = 1

∂µ = (∂τ,∇), DΦ = ΠidΦi

((Pretend that math makes sense. It should be basic chaos theory/stuff on dynamic systems.))

yuki nagato

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