1 § hello hello, baby, you called, i can't hear a thing

Nov 29, 2010 18:03

Hello? Stefan? Is this like, some kind of test? A, knock me out and let me wake up in some kind of castle test? There are castles in Mystic Falls? Look, I know you can hear me so you should just come right out and, and give up the ghost. Isn't that the right saying? Or, throw down the gauntlet?

[A pause.]

Katherine? Are you behind this? On the one hand? Clever. On the other, really annoying. And, here's a tip on keeping me captive. In a...door that opens and a long hallway and more doors. Okay, now this is just some joke.

Is this a reality show? Tiki? Seriously guys, come on out.

[She brightens.]

Ashton? Ashton Kutcher would be nice.

Seriously, Damon, or Stefan, or even Katherine, you can just tell me. I'm not asking for the stereotypical 'mwahaha, this is my hand, let me show it to you' with your steepled claws, I just wanna' know where I am.

And P.S. -- if you can hear me and I'm not slowly going insane -- Elena's the diary girl. I don't use those things.

Did you, what, want me to, like, write about my experiences?

Okay, but I can just dictate it:

This. Really. Sucks.

!intro, caroline forbes

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