Dec 05, 2010 13:23
[See Cordelia.
See Cordelia sulk.
Except it doesn't look like Cordelia sulking, it's more like Xander sulking, but that's definitely a very Cordelia sulk on her face. It's THAT distinctive. And now she's in a waistcoat and really uncomfortable shoes.
She's tugging it and constantly adjusting how she's sitting as she sits in the lobby, looking over the journal to see if there was anything she had missed while she was hiding from the world. Not really the most productive way to be spending her time, but it made her feel better]
So what does this make today? Torture yourself with fashions that have gone out of style day?
At least I'm not a hoop skirt and corset.
[a beat]
Sucks to be you, Xander.
cordelia chase