18 Rolls of the Dice

Dec 14, 2010 17:57

[Thanks to Tamaki's lovely loss, Mat's had a change of heart about... well... a lot of things.

Dressed in the nicest clothes he could find in his closet (which may or may not be identical replicas of Tamaki's victorian-wear), he's in town, staring longingly into the windows of the various shops.

Tamaki would buy gifts for all the princesses of the castle, just to make them happy. And he knew that buying gifts for the girls he knew would make Tamaki proud. But he didn't have the money for that.

He could gamble... but that thought just led to embarrassment. What would Tamaki say if he knew he'd been making his money through such common means?

There was nothing for it. He had to find a way to earn the money in a more respectable way. He needed to learn how to live like a noble]


Ladies...[no, that's not right] Princesses.... Light...

I know I've been rough in the past, but... I only want to make you smile. If there are gifts you've been wanting... just say the word. I'll find a way to make it happen.


[Rich People]

Burn me for a fool... this... might be a woolheaded question. But...how do you get money to make people smile?

[/Rich People]

[....he was going to kill Tamaki when this was over]

mat cauthon

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