[Midnight comes.
Echoing throughout the ballroom and the halls is the chime of a grandfather clock, counting slowly up to twelve. One, two...
The ceilings everywhere begin to sizzle with golden sparks.
Three, four...
The sparks begin to fall, and through the glass dome over the ballroom, the moon beams down on the dance floor.
Five, six...
Residents everywhere are staring up in awe, or shock, or horror, as the sparks begin to reach them, clogging up their vision. The sparks are cold, mere illusions of light, but they are impossible to wave away.
Seven, eight...
A great owl hoots somewhere, and the sound of the clock's mechanical movement becomes increasingly noticeable. It's as though the entire castle is being dominated by the chimes, the ticking, the sparks...
Nine, ten...
The sparks begin to fade, the ticking reaches a crescendo...
Nothing, and then eerie silence, as the last chime marks "twelve".
Their surroundings are different now.
They're still in a castle, that much is obvious, given the brickwork and the grand rooms and the layout, but bizarrely, everything seems less detailed. Wood paneling is attached with nails the size of dinner plates, and up close, walls look like they were painted with gigantic brushes, leaving huge strokes in the paint. Much of the details are made from some metal painted gold.
But most noticeable of all are the tracks laid in the floor, for large toy soldiers and dolls carved from wood to travel about on. The ballroom has a number of them "dancing", rotating around endlessly on the same track.
They're in a giant mechanical "doll house."
Welcome to the Clockwork Castle.]
[ooc: Go for it <3 ]