[Are you currently anywhere in the vicinity of the fifth floor? Well, then you might be more than a little annoyed by the impossibly loud yowling that is coming from the small red colorpoint Siamese kitten who is currently hurling herself at the door of room 509, over and over. It's actually funny, if you're into that.
But this cat happens to live in there, because normally, she is Molotov Cocktease, a human lady, who has been
turned into a cat by Rin. Unfortunately for her, the castle did not see fit to identify her as this cat, beyond a small tag on her collar,
stamped with her logo.
Trusting that no one will ever discover her and let her into her room, Molotov is now just jumping towards the doorknob, positively screaming swears that just sound like angry cat screeching. The door is locked, but Molotov just knows that she can get in there if she reaches the knob. Feel like helping?]
(( ooc: Molotov is not infectious! So everyone can feel free to pick up and manhandle this very angry little kitty cat ))