If any of the cats out there right now want an easy meal or free set of hands to open doors, you're welcome to stop by 209. The door's open, and the dog knows better than to mess with anything feline.
[ Filtered to those who know any form of Sign Language; ]
What sign language do you know? I've been told there are different ones for each world, or each nation within a world. I'm looking to see if there's any more prevailent one among the people here.
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[ Filtered to those possibly interested in learning some form of Sign Language; ]
I'm looking to see if there's anyone else interested in learning some form of sign language with me. Consider it a mental exercise, if nothing else.
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[ Filtered to Yo, Konoha; ]
Whistles. Who remembers what calls? Doesn't take the place of good old fashioned yelling, but since that's no longer an option for me, I'll settle for the signals.
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[ Filtered to people who like eggplant or even just free personally made food; ]
Arabian Chickpea-Eggplant Stew. Who's up for it?
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Cupid, how goes your revision list?