On January 24th, three members of the castle "died": Bernkastel, Lambdadelta and Erika Furudo. After three days and no sign of them, it is concluded that they exited the gameboard at the time of their deaths. Using information provided by witness Julian Keller, I have singled out three possibilities.
1) The three realized it was their time to leave and conducted a duel, similar to the Love Trials from the Dawn of the Golden Witch. The problem with this conclusion is that none of them remained alive, when the purpose of the trial is for two to die and one to remain. Along with that there is no purpose to it, unless they wished to stay within Paradisa. Something I highly doubt.
2) Bernkastel may have shown hostile intentions toward Erika Furudo and attacked, with Lambdadelta stepping between them. This theory has the least evidence, but the most Heart. Julian Keller mentioned how he felt Lambdadelta deserved her final rights and mentioned that she was his guardian.
3) Once more they realized it was their time to go and simply put on a final show. The only problem is that the only witness to this show was Julian Keller. A theater performance is not a performance if there is no one watching in the seats. It is only a rehearsal.
I will conduct more into this at another time. If they left I might be soon to go, but I have my doubts. Perhaps I will find someone trustworthy enough to leave these private notes to.
[The feed begins silent, until a few taps are heard. Will writes, but the journal will also dictate it.]
I wish to conduct a test on these filters for my own personal records. If you can see the certain filters I make then I ask you respond by repeating the phrase listed under the filter. You can also rewrite it if you want. If you can see more than one then repeat all phrases you can see.
[Filtered only to people who like the colors red, white, purple, orange and green.]
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
[Filtered only to people who like the colors pink, black, yellow, brown and blue.]
etaoin shrdlu.
[Filtered only to people who like fruits.]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
[Filtered only to people who like vegetables.]
Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country
[Filtered only to people who like the daytime.]
She sells sea shells on the seashore.
[Filtered only to people like the nighttime.]
Twelve twins twirled twelve twigs.
[The filters end there. This is mostly being done for his own experimentation with how much the journal system can do, but also to give him something to think about.]