[He taps the pen on the page for a few long moments, before writing out his thoughts] The timing...From a purely objective standpoint is quite smart. Most are currently busy with...The results of Lois' unfortunate loss. For such reasons, while I am currently unaware of the exact nature of things...It would be best kept quiet.
[Now that he has a purely written reminder do so, he'll drop the pen and lean back in his chair] I wonder...
Merlin! You've had enough days to laze about and fool those of lesser intelligence that you'd make a perfectly adequate friend. So while I'm certain you find this all deeply important, you'll have to put it to rest. I have something for you to do.
[If you're venturing anywhere in between the castle grounds and the gate towards the city, you're going to met with a pretty odd sight. Arthur's dressed in his usual fail winter gear, but despite the cold cheeks and occasional shiver he's totally pleased and even, gasp! Laughing. It's soon made apparent when Timcanpy, the gold little golem comes zipping back with a television remote looking worse for wear in his mouth, and hovers. After a moment of congratulating Tim, he'll wave for him to go back a bit and will throw it once more]