[ten o'clock! did any of you miss hearing "Everybody Knows" every Monday? awww, well, it's back again, so you can rejoice. Harry lets it play for a bit, then turns it down] H'okaaaay, we've got a lot of random shit that happened this week, in addition to everyone having Post-Valentine's-Day Angst, so let's get down to it and cover some ground, so we can get to the good stuff!
[he claps his hands and spins around in the chair] Okay, so first off, Lois and Clark are
getting married, good for them. Congratulations, you two. Let me know if you need a DJ for the reception, heh heh heh.
In other news,
somebody shrunk,
somebody lost their mind, and ... someone else decided to join the party, and it sounds like someone just plain
disappeared. There's still gonna be a party for the
Animal Shelter. Come on, people. You care about little fuzzy animals, right? If you don't, God hates you and you're going to hell. You know, just like the bastards who decided to murder random townspeople out of nowhere, for no reason. Everybody out there, tryin' to catch 'em? Good luck. I know the one guy was on a loss, but ... from what I'm hearin', there was someone else involved, and ... [there's honest disgust in his voice, evident by the fact that it drops a few notches from his usual cynical tone] ... and that's just sick.
New people! I count Katniss, Peeta, Eucliwood, Sabah, Mina, Kell-el, Eli, Solara, Ray, Darien, and Laurie. Welcome to Paradise, you guys, leave your sanity at the door and don't forget to tip your ghostly waitstaff ---
[there's a pause, and ... suddenly he's shoving stuff off his desk, making random noise and commotion, just because he CAN] What the hell am I doing? Is this actually a ROUTINE? Good god, I think I may have just made myself ---
[he starts coughing, violently, then does a particularly convincing mock-barf away from the journal, dumping the remains of his dinner - a bowl of spaghetti-os - into the trash with a well-timed, sick PLOP]
Ohhhh, god, why is it green...
Oh ...
Oh shit, I think I'm gonna die ... [choking noises]
... First person ever to die of unexpected routine poisoning .... fuck ...
... Someone feed my lizard ...
[and he proceeds to fall unceremoniously out of his chair. THUD.]