Mar 09, 2011 21:06
[This had been the WORST WEEK OF TAMAKI'S LIFE!
He had gone to sleep mysteriously, and when he woke up he was invisible. But not just him, his nameplate and his room had also decided to join in the act.
Well... it was only natural that he outdo anything a commoner might have done before, so his invisibility had to be more impressive and more complete than anything that had gone before it~!
...That didn't stop it being lonely.
Tamaki wasn't used to being ignored, he was the centre of attention (AND RIGHTLY SO!), so to be so completely passed by was incredibly upsetting. He had spent the last three days in a bubble of woe, trapped in his emo corner and sleeping in a hamster nest as befitted a poor cast out King.
He's visible again, nameplate back on the door and journal open at his side, not that he's realised as he mumbles to himself churlishly.]
...supposed to be the King... not how you treat... isn't fair!
[ooc: Open over the journals, or in person at his room.]
suoh tamaki