[ private; written ]
I still
[ crossed out and she starts on a brand new page. ]
I feel good after that talk with him. I can't believe I was wrong about him liking Stephanie. Maybe it's one-sided? I wonder who this girl is that's making him act so strange. I hope it works out!
[ father ]
Hello Father! I baked a cake the other day and I thought we could have some together and catch up at the same time?
[ curse removal filter ]
Emil, how are you doing these days? [ a pause. ] I wanted to know if it was okay if Felix-san met you so he could try to help you with your curse. Only if you're up to it...
[ alexstrasza ]
[ in which her heart starts beating faster when she filters this. ]
[ new residents filter ]
Jeez, I've been quiet for too long... I noticed we got a lot of new residents again so I wanted to say hello! My name's Uru, if you have any questions I'd be really happy to try and help.
[ residents may suddenly find their journals soaking wet. sorry about that! uru's currently in that olympic-sized pool that no one tends to use and while keeping the journal open to listen to whatever the residents were gossiping about today, accidentally knocked it into the water.
there's a splashing sound before it's pulled back out. ]
Sorry about that! [ she sets it back down on the side, leaning against the edge and glancing the magical book over. after a minute, she lets go and continues to swim around. it's a very relaxing thing, actually. :( ]
[ ooc: journal or action idgaf 8) ]