[Dearest denizens of Paradisa: the following appetizing image has just been splashed all over a page of your journal.]
[However, if you look closely, you will see words appear in the midst of the tread even as the journal records the next voice message; yep, say hi to the talking shoeprint.]
yeah you knoww im talkin to you dont evven try and make out like you dont knoww your personal title that i wwas so kind to bestoww
see i evven added a mac as a courtesea to a likeblood in exchange a your consideration wwith this frilly fuckin landdwweller castle that im sure you didnt knoww any better
im pretty sure thats one a your human nobility titles or somethin that i happened to stumble upon in your fuckin mess of a timeline
anywway i knoww youre out up there ovver in the next galaxy laughin it up but i promise you
theres no wway youre gettin off scotfree in this most inksome a hostilities exchanges
specially not seein as youre the one wwho decided youd flaunt your fuckin interdimension fakey fakey fake topblowwin powwers in the first place
you dont just fishstick prince a hope eridan ampora a good one and expect to wwalk awway pure clean an wwhite you think youre the only one wwhos got dimensions for playthings
so consider this a official proper civvilized declaration a black intentions if you wwill
dont sink too easy you hear me
[OOC: OH YEAH almost forgot Aradia will be the first of the trolls to find him in person, but every non-troll can run into him whenever and everyone is free to bug him forever over journals. o7]