Apr 12, 2011 13:22
[For the past few weeks, Brennan has been carefully observing the decomposition rate of the body Smecker and Bloom had found within town. The lab room attached to her studio apartment in the castle isn't as good as the labs in the Jeffersonian. It had appeared as she and Booth had stood and argued over the storage of the cadaver when they first obtained it.
He still objected to her keeping remains in her personal space. But without a locked facility to store them in, Brennan refused to take any chances.
But after numerous notations, it has become clear that the death of a towns-person is much different than the death of a castle resident. It's normal, a strange piece of normality that puts her at ease.
She's in that lab now, doors open both to the remainder of the apartment and the hallway if anyone were to walk by. For the most part, the ventilation system that appeared in conjunction with the small laboratory has kept her personal space odor free.
For the most part.
She has her journal open, and she's currently writing a list of necessary materials.]
Stainless steel tub.
Heating source.
Sodium carbonate-based detergent.
Dental tools.
Wire-mesh screen.
Latex gloves.
Skinning knife.
[And then she speaks.]
I need to obtain the above list of items so that I can properly excarnate a cadaver. I would appreciate any provision of materials, or suggestions as how to obtain.
temperance brennan