[Happy 04.13, everyone! You know who's staying up all day to wish her favorite human a happy wriggling day? Do you?
Yep, it's Vriska. Oh, that Vriska! What's she doing now?
Well, I'll tell you. She's pasting in the following picture into the journal. And over Castlenet. And on a certain Egbert's door.]
Happy Wriggling Day, John!
(Or, 8irthday, whatever.)
Here are all these things you like. Together!
8n't I gr8?
Anyway, have a good one, ok????????
[Yep, not taking that one down. Everyone needs to know about John's birthday so they can give him gifts. All the gifts. All of them.]
(ooc. image
credit oh my god fghjkl /sobs into hands)