[ tonight, N and tatsuya are in the theatre, having accidentally stumbled on the room for the first time. and when N reveals that he's never seen a movie before, now's as good a time as any to show him one. tatsuya lets him pick, but perhaps this was a mistake. ]
...Are you sure this is the one you want to watch?
Certainly. Since this will be the first movie I have ever watched, I would like it to be memorable. The cover is quite intriguing so I'm sure this will be interesting.
I've never seen it. ...It looks like a horror movie, though.
A horror movie, you say? Are these sorts of films made with the intent to scare the audience?
Yeah. But they're usually cheap and gimmicky rather than scary.
Very interesting. ...A movie such as this would be best viewed in the company of friends, don't you think? Perhaps we can invite others to accompany us while we watch this-- after all, I am sure you and I aren't the only ones who haven't seen it.
[ and some time later, a somewhat familiar mini movie poster gets pasted into the journal: ]
[ yes, it's
That movie, with some knockoff title...let's go with Molars. no, they didn't bother to look for a summary of the film. open over the journal or to anyone who comes to hang out in the theater and wants to be properly scarred for life. red text is tatsuya, green is N. ]