[Now that his mood has recovered after the events of the last week, Felix is feeling rather chatty. Relieved of worry, his mind turns back to his favorite subject, which has come up quite frequently this month. Granted, he usually asked these questions of people who knew about magic, but after talking with Marian, he began to realize that the
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What's the catch?
There is no catch. At least not one I intend. I do not seek information for personal gain or power. I realize that might be hard to believe, but I only wish to help the residents as a whole.
Ah huh. So, how will information on my magic help you help the residents? I'm guessing that there's different types of magic, rather than just one set of rules that governs all.
In the short term keeping records of such things is a safe-guard. If the castle should decide to manipulate you into being hostile think of how much easier it would be to neutralize that if we knew how your magic works, rather than running around aimlessly in the library every time an emergency arises.
But what kinds of research methods will you use? I'm not so keen on being hooked up to a machine and experimented on.
The real question is how involved you'd like to be.
I guess it would depend on how much of my ... magic you'd like to get to know. Anything I can contribute to help us get a little further with understanding this castle and overriding some of it's pranks is something I'd very much like to be apart of. But I'd rather not say how far I'd like to be involved if in the end I just turn out to be unhelpful.
I understand your hesitation. I think we can take this a little bit at a time. I would love to have you as a member to help with the research, but why don't we just start with your name and go from there?
Thanks. Well, Felix, I'm Piper Halliwell. I don't mean to be hesistant - it's just that whenever magic has been involved, I've had only bad experiences with it. [ Some good, but Piper tends to focus on the bad. ] And the idea of 'research' that has circulated around me has been laboratories and tests and needles and - I'm sorry that I was expecting the worst from you.
It's good to meet you.
You don't know me, so I really don't fault you your view, especially given how people like myself can be. I don't want to dissect anybody, and I am sorry to hear that anyone would deem to treat you that way because of your abilities.
I hope you may come to see Paradisa, for all it's faults, as a place where you need not be persecuted. I don't suggest you go doing magic tricks in the lobby, but a little trust and ease is a good place to start.
Is there anything in particular I need to do to ... join this project?
Chimera's only been in existence a few months, so I'm afraid we haven't made it as far as complicated paperwork or clandestine vows of secrecy. I will, however, send you a key to the headquarters, so you can access that as you wish.
You're new to the Paradisa, am I right?
Horribly new. I've been here for about a week.
I probably won't assign you anything yet, in that case. You should settle in and get to know how things work around here.
Is there anything I can do to help you in that regard?
[He normally wouldn't be quite so helpful, but he gave Paige his word that he'd help Piper out, and he intends to do just that]
Uh, no. I think I just have to allow myself to settle in now. I think I've been filled in about how this place works. But thank you, anyway. Do you ever get used to how kind people are around here?
Not everyone here is all that kind or helpful. It's just more likely those types who will bother to speak to you at all.
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