[Rose had woken up a bit different this fine Easter morning. Different as in, the castle had taken away her humanity and for a vampire, that could have some serious consequences. She couldn't remember who she was or where she was. All of her cautious nature was thrown to the wind. There was nothing left of her except that overwhelming urge to feed
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She stares at the strange teeth (fangs!?) for a moment and notices the red eyes. She turns around, preparing to... flee, if necessary.]
(ooc: go for it, but be prepared for some resistance.)
Rose advances on Marian, approaching slowly for now, but should her future blood-source attempt to flee, the vampire will speed up and try to pin her to the nearest wall]
Marian's training has served her well, she stamps the vampire on the foot and her free fist manages to hit the vampire in the head.
But the vampire has incredible strength and seems unperturbed. It's getting harder to breathe.]
She comes to, realising she's being... drunk. And not the usual way. What the-
Something. Anything.
She spots the offending Easter egg next to her.
Make it hurt, is her only wish.
She grabs the egg, it's suddenly very heavy. She hits it in the vampire's head and feels the fangs disconnect while scratching deep and making a sucking sound.
Marian is suddenly very strong, pushes the vampire off her and is on her feet, running for her life.]
She rests against the wall before she gathers strength to walk the last yards to the elevator.]
(ooc: augh, poor Rose!)
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