Yeah. I know what you mean. There's a few kinks I want to work out, and I think a long, hot soak's just what I need to get started. Feel like meeting down in the lobby sometime soon? We can head over together.
[ Sakura's wearing a yukata of all things when she comes down the stairs from the second floor. Glancing around, she... spots someone who probably's waiting! She waves and smiles! There's a towel poking out of the satchel she's wearing, along with her journal. Her slate's hanging around her neck, with "Headed to Hotsprings!" written on it.
Hey, sometimes it's easier wearing an opening line you can erase than writing that up every time. ]
[ Sakura grins a little sharply, taking out her journal (look! Sakura on the front in goldleaf!) to tap on the front cover. She tucks it under her arm a moment after, taking Karen's hand to shake it.
She shrugs a little at the same time, mouthing, "Sorry, not much I can say, but it is nice to meet you." ]
[ Another small shrug, and she waves her hand in front of her face. Dismiss these worries! Sakura's bothered by it, but not on account of other people -- seven months not hearing herself has almost made her used to the resounding cacophony of her own mind.
And being relatively silent outwardly. She whistles, looking back over her shoulder.
It takes a minute or so, but a somewhat shaggy canine ends up bounding down the stairs and trotting over to the both of them. Sakura uses a rag she had up her sleeve to start erasing the slate's simple phrase. ]
[ Exceedingly far if you're like... lazy or an ant. ]
I could really go for that.
... ]
Sure, but if you're a guy, I'm out.
As far as I can tell, I'm still female. We'll claim the big springs for the girls, any guys can take the separate one on the far side.
Lobby in ten?
[ and she'll be waiting in the lobby ten minutes later. :D ]
Hey, sometimes it's easier wearing an opening line you can erase than writing that up every time. ]
she does wonder about the slate. ]
And I forgot to give my name. Karen. [ she offers her hand. ]
She shrugs a little at the same time, mouthing, "Sorry, not much I can say, but it is nice to meet you." ]
I should have gotten the hint sooner. Sorry about that, Sakura.
And being relatively silent outwardly. She whistles, looking back over her shoulder.
It takes a minute or so, but a somewhat shaggy canine ends up bounding down the stairs and trotting over to the both of them. Sakura uses a rag she had up her sleeve to start erasing the slate's simple phrase. ]
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