You know what's super fun? When the castle decides to lock you in a tower with the people from your world for giggles. I thought if it was gonna keep us hostage, it'd at least send us some madlibs or something to do.
...Not Pictonary, though. We'd be better if sharp, wooden objects weren't hanging around here all that much. So, if you've been wondering where Team Angel have jetting off to, that's your answer.
[Caritas Staff]
Sooo, in the likely event I'm going to be stuck here for a while, I need you guys to man Caritas. And this isn't just running bar. With all the badness circling the drain right now, Caritas is going to have to be a sanctuary for anyone who can get to it.
The cots are in the basement, and the stores have enough food to last a month. I know I can count on you guys to keep things running.