[Maladict woke up today to a wardrobe full of dresses. It there's one thing Maladict loathes, above anything else in this stupid world, it's her wardrobe being full of dresses. You'd have thought after a year the castle would have got the hint about this. Apparently not]
So, what ridiculous Earth custom is being forced on us this time, then? And why does it involved so much silk and flowery things? Wasn't this supposed to be some holiday to do with demons and dead people? This looks distinctly nothing like that.
Ugh, this looks like the sort of thing they wear in Klatch. Great coffee, really stupid dress sense. You can't even move properly in all this.
[Bitch, whine, complain. If you're on the sixth floor and very, very lucky, you might catch her crossing the hall in
this, heading to Tesla's room to steal something a little more suited to her style. And by that she means
men's clothing.]