Nov 17, 2011 18:27
I'm not really sure where I am but I think it is absolutely crabtastic! And I think I've figured this journal this out! Oh wait, this isn't right yet...
[ Give her a moment........ ]
)(e)(e)(e t)(is is muc)( B---------ETT-ER!
I'm not R-E-EL sure w)(ere I am but t)(is all seems really ---EXCITING!
Just I don't )(ave my gills anemonemore and T)(IS IS A PROBLEM!
I can't glub like I used to!
Glub glub sig)(.
It feels very unnatural and forced...
I )(ave to control t)(em now but not glubbing is just weird!
I don't t)(ink I like t)(is very muc)(. 38(
Well, I t)(ink I'll just look around for a bit and worry about that later...
T)(IS WILL B-E A FUN ADV-ENTUR--------------------E!
[ And this will be Feferi, going door to door testing whatever door that wasn't locked. What was personal space? She has to meet EVERYONE!!! ]
feferi peixes,