Nov 18, 2011 17:28
[ Gamzee has his sopor-slimed sticky fingers going through the pages of this book whipped up with miracles ( -- Beautiful, man. ) Gamzee is sitting on the kitchen counter in plain view.
Who knew how the hell this little motherfucking troll got there or how. Motherfucking poofing out of thin air to be sitting his ass down on the counter.
Not to mention there is a mass amount of junk around him. His sylladex must've exploded when he come here. Bike horns crowding around, sopor slime pies hit the ceiling, bottles of faygo hissing, juggling pins dropping on the ground.
When he directs his vision to the book, he starts to uh...write. On it, in purple. And maybe slight splatters of green from the slime. ]
gOt tO GeT My tHiNk pAn oN StRaIgHt bEfOrE KiCkInG Up tHiS MoThErFuCkInG WiCkEd mAgIcAl pLaIn
bEiNg sLaMmEd oUt oF My lAnD AlL WrApPeD Up iN MiRtH To sOmE PlAcE WiTh pInK MoNkEyS
MoThErFuCkInG ToWeR oF MiRaClEs
FrOm sKaIa tO ThIs mYsTiCaL IsLaNd
fLyInG MoThErFuCkInG HiGh oVeR A RaInBoW CoVeReD In fAyGo
[ Gamzee doesn't bother looking around when he writes next. Instead he dips his finger into a pie that was just motherfucking sitting there. How did it just appear there -- ? ]
mOtHeRfUcKiNg gAlAxY Of mIrAcleS BrOtHeRs
LoOk aT ThIs mOtHeRfUcKiNg fAt oF HiVe-pApEr bOuNdEd lIkE An oLdSkOoL HuSkToP
sTaRiNg aT ThEsE PiNk mOnKeYs pOpPiNg uP LiKe hOoFbEaStS
AlL Up gEtTiNg tHeIr hOrNlEsS AnD PiNk oN My pApEr hUsKtOp
hAhAhA WhO ToLd tHeSe mOtHeRfUcKeRs tO Do tHaT :o)
aLl wHiPpEd uP LiKe tHiS BrOtHeRs bOtTlE Of fAyGo
It'S MiRaClEs bRoThEr
mIrAcLeS GeTtInG AlL SqUeEzIFIyInG mY HoRnS aNd gEt mY MoThErFuCkInG BaKe oN
[ Is he high? Hell fucking yes. Now he will proceed to staring into nothingness. ]
[[ ooc; uh. okay so yeah Gamzee's in the kitchen GETTING FAT people who watched him drop in can come say hi and share a pie or two, totally open for actions and sdlkjakls blah
gamzee makara