((Red = Aradia, Blue = Eleventh Doctor))
[It's early in the evening when a knock comes on the door of the TARDIS.]
[There's a crash and a yelp of surprise before Eleven calls out] Come in!
[The door swings open, and Aradiabot enters, walking briskly instead of floating. Bonked your head again? Yeah, she don't care.] Doctor.
[Eleven hops up the stairs on the other side of the console and waves at her, pulling a pair of goggles off his head] Hullo, Aradia. How's your ticking?
[She stops abruptly and glares at him.] It's still going.
[Completely unphased by said glare, he circles around the console to her] And have you figured out if it means anything more than just a "countdown to nothing"?
[For a moment, she says nothing. But the silence means yes, if that helps.] ... Your companion. The other Rose. What did she do?
What did she do? [He raises an eyebrow, not sure he likes where this is going.] She spread the words through time and space.
How? Someone is doing this, Doctor. How.
[He leans back against the console, watching her. His face grows serious] She looked into the heart of the TARDIS, absorbed the Time Vortex. It nearly killed her.
[Her expression alters, barely perceptible. Of course. Of course that was it. The power of the TARDIS itself... if a person could absorb that, then it might be enough.
Still, she has to be sure.] But she saved you.
She did, yes, but in order to save her I had to absorb the energy, myself. That's how I regenerated that time.
[Aradia registers the warnings and files them away. The heart of the TARDIS, where the distortions are the strongest... Of course a human can't handle it. Maybe even a troll couldn't. But really, what was it going to do to her? She's already dead.]
And that's it, just below us. Isn't it.
Yes, it-- [Eleven's eyes get wide as he realizes what she intends to do. He reaches out, trying to grab her before she does something foolish like, oh, I don't know, break into the heart of the TARDIS] Aradia, NO!
[Nope.avi. Faster than he can reach her, Aradia raises her hand and sweeps sideways, telekinetically slamming him against the outer wall. None too gently, but not hard enough to murder him. But it'll be a second before she does anything foolish. Instead she just holds him there, walking coolly down the stairs, toward the Heart.]
[Eleven grunts as he hits the wall. Yeah, was NOT expecting that one.] Aradi-whoa! [... what is this? His feet aren't touching the floor and... wait... yeah, can't move. NOT GOOD. He watches, helplessly, as Aradia moves towards the heart] Aradia, stop! You don't know what that could do to you! I don't know what that could do to you! Please!
[Aradia keeps walking, undeterred by his pleas.] There's nothing you can do to change it. I was always supposed to do this.
[He groans, frustrated, as he struggles against her hold] No! You said it was counting down to nothing, remember? It's not supposed to be like this. Whatever it is it's not worth risking your life for. Just let me down and we can work on figuring this out!
[Aradia looks up at him one last time, and for a moment perhaps it seems like something he's said has struck a chord. But then, slowly, she shakes her head, and raises her other hand. The metal surrounding the core strains audibly under the invisible force, and begins to warp, then crack, chinks of astonishingly bright light and music and energy and time shining through... Then she tightens her hand into a fist, and the casing shatters.]
[Eleven cries out, almost sounding as if he were the one being cracked and shattered instead of his precious TARDIS. He winces, closing his eyes tightly against the light] Aradia! Don't look into the heart. Please! [He pulls as hard as he can against the unseen force pinning him to the wall, hoping upon hope that she might finally listen to him and stop all this nonsense]
[Don't look in? But she can't look away. It's the first time since she can remember that anything has actually been beautiful. It all makes sense. The reason this timeline split off from the alpha. Why she's here. What she's meant to do. How she can go back and make it right again, like a thousand doomed Aradias before her.
Her arms drop to her sides, leaving the Doctor to fall to the floor, all her concentration now on welcoming the energy into her. Her circuits are already maxed as she rises from the floor, silhouetted by the light, trying to expand the limits of her psyche to compensate.
Some nonessential part in her body snaps, producing a noise, or half a noise, that echoes above the cacophony of the vortex, that resonates with it.
[When the force is gone, Eleven crumples to the floor like a tweed rag doll. He pushes himself to a sitting position, squinting up at Aradia with an arm up to shield himself from the blinding light.] What have you done?
[He knows the TARDIS isn't connected to the Time Vortex, here. However, he's not quite sure what it is connected to. Whatever it is he knows it's too powerful for her to hold onto for too long before it makes her burn like the Vortex had started to burn Rose. He could take it into himself... but he's not sure if he'd take a two week vacation or regenerate and neither one sounds very appealing. There's one chance, though... she's not human. Hell, she's not even troll right now. Maybe...] Aradia, you've got to let the energy go. Let it flow back into the TARDIS before it destroys you!
[Yeeeeeah nope she's not letting that energy go, not at this point. She's crossed your Earth Rubicon as far as she's concerned. The energy whips her hair around her. When she looks to him again, her eyes are bright gold, bleeding excess energy. When she speaks, her voice echoes, and a hint of it trails from her mouth like vapor on a freezing day.]
I am the countdown. I am the end. I am the apocalypse arisen. I-- ERROR.
[Her neck twitches freakishly. She turns to the door.]
Corruption detec-ected in all sect- Every effect is its own cause. -ature of paradox space.
[Eleven stands, his hair and jacket being blown by that same energy.] Error? Apocalypse? What do you mean?
[She doesn't look at him, she can't. Every processor and subprocessor is busy trying to redirect, reroute, and she feels something but only to feel that if her purpose wavers for an instant she will be ruined.]
I will burn this castle's memory to the foundat-t-tions of time. I will burn away the dust of this corruption until nothing remains. [She begins to move forward and there is the sound of propulsion warming up.] You should probably leave.
[With that, a token warning for her friend, she rockets out at high speed, leaving the doors of the police box to clatter in her wake.]
No! Aradia, stop!! Wait!
[Eleven stumbles after her, racing up the stairs. As he passes the console one of the panels explodes from the excess energy flowing through the room. He flails, falling into the railing. Sparing only a glance to the now burning console he heads for the door, wincing as another panel blows. His TARDIS can be repaired, but Aradia's mind? He only hopes that he can find her in time and do something to stop her before the energy burns her from the inside out. The doors slam behind him as he dashes off after his young friend.]
[Did you hear that noise, Castle residents? That was the sound of a creepy robot girl fairly blasting off from somewhere on the fifth floor. Those who choose to investigate might find her at any of various locations, both inside the castle and out on the grounds, blowing holes in walls, flipping tables, and so forth. But her eyes are glowing a ridiculously bright gold instead of red, and she's leaving a faint trail of fine, sparkly dust as she flies. Those sensitive to time distortions may notice she virtually is one right now.
Her voice can be heard over the journal, too, but it echoes eerily (more eerily than usual) and isn't always showing up on the page correctly.]
c0rrupti0n detec
i am the c0untd0wn i create myself
i will burn it t0 the f0undati0ns 0ftime
critical err0r all systems 0verl0
ad psych0tic disk fragmentati0n imminent
[etc. and lots of breaking noises.]
((ooc: Loss finale and open post! Anyone is welcome to hear over the journals or witness the damage/aftermath (quick, before it repairs itself). Approaching Aradia in person is also possible but be careful, as she will pick a fight. Ted Mosby and the Doctors' action threads are assumed to come last chronologically; everything else takes place before them. HAVE FUN.... 0u0
Mod approved a..a while ago AM I STILL DOIN IT RITE))