Aug 17, 2008 11:03
Despite previously knowing nothing of what this "work" which people engage in means, I feel I have a much better grasp now. There is an astounding amount of people who are unwilling to walk by themselves to places, and some even will not stay alone in places, making escort servicing very profitable, even if they ask some of the strangest things. Though this I have learned that perhaps light pinks are not complementary to me as a person.
There are large amounts of felines in the city, and a few persons who wish to know what is on the minds of their animal companions. Often there is very little, felines are not as complicated as I read books saying they are supposed to be, but the communication appears to be helpful.
Lately there are a few young persons interested in fire deancing. I have never heard of this. What is fire dancing? I find it sounds dangerous, yet exciting.
Filtered to Hidan;
I have seen you. You will prepare to be... put out to pasture.
end filter