Nov 28, 2008 22:57
[After a super-eventful entrance into the wacky world of Paradisa, Xander now feels it's time to make a proper entry in his journal (which has been proving to be a highly entertaining and informative piece of literature, by the way) instead of just spamming it up with his accidental recordings. Also, he's bored, because his attention span isn't exactly longevity central at the best of times. So here, have some recorded throat clearing, before the following:]
Good evening, fellow castle-neighbors. I'm kinda new to this whole deal, but it seems like there's some crazy-flu going round and if, like myself, you're in possession of the majority of your marbles, then you might find yourself at a loose end.
So, what I guess I'm really trying to say is: anyone want to make some small-talk here? Gossip? Life story? Long and rambling anecdote? I'm all ears-- there's some other stuff attached to the ears too, but we don't need to worry about that.
xander harris