I suppose all things come out eventually, whether it be by accident or through careful planning and consideration. I should have realized that Matt would be far too emotional to mind what he said, but I suppose that here -- it doesn't really matter. It won't change anything back home, as we forget once we're gone, and it won't change anything here, as anything kind of response won't do any -- lasting damage. Being dead for two weeks I'm sure is not a picnic of any kind, but at least it's nothing permanent.
I do know that Daphne's death was not Nathan's fault, not directly. He never wished for anyone to be physically harmed in any way, and Danko, the monster that he is, backed Nathan into a corner to allow this to happen. I hope that eventually people come to realize that Nathan is not the monster they think he is in all of this, and that there are larger matters to worry about, but I have a feeling that that will take more time than most of them are willing to give. It's easier to hate than to forgive, after all, just as it's easier to ask for forgiveness, rather than permission.
I know what Nathan has done is seemingly horrible, but I can't say it's any different than the work Primatech had done over the years. It would be hypocritical of me to try and judge him by any standard beyond what I have done in my life. Nathan has been through so much because of the abilities and the company, and while I don't agree with his actions, I can't deny that I can see the good intentions behind them, and that is the more important thing. I just hope that back home, Danko falls without dragging my son down with him. It's far more dangerous to have a man who's so sacrosanct in his beliefs that he can't separate the men reacting to circumstances they don't know how to deal with, from the monsters who intentionally look to hurt. At least Nathan knows that these are good people in bad situations. However, now that situations are different -- who knows how things are going to end.