From Feral Beast to Playful Cub [Red, 'Bolt]

May 17, 2007 23:05

Who: Red XIII and Silverbolt
What: Red and Silverbolt meet to mete out 'Bolt's "punishment" while un-beknownist to 'Bolt, Red is currently turning into a cub. XD
When: Morning after this journal entry/conversation.
Where: Outside, courtyard, whatever.
Rating: PG sound right?

Nanaki leapt down the few stairs leading into the courtyard from one of the castle's side exits in one bound and padded softly a little ways away. He stopped to sniff some flowers on his way to the bench a little ways in front of him and kept an open eye out for another person.

Had anyone from AVALANCHE been around to see the red, lion-like cat they would have noticed something off about their feline friend. It wasn't yet too obvious, but in fact Red XIII was just about two inches shorts than normal. He looked younger, too, and his fur softer than its usual already extremely soft state.

Finished with the flower, Red moved over to the bench and peered up at it from a low crouching position. He wiggled his rear-end as he stared at the welcoming seat, and then quite suddenly leapt up onto the warm wood. There he stretched out to his fullest extent (front paws just barely hanging off one end and tail flickering about off the other) and rested his head on his paws. He closed his eye contentedly, but yet still kept a look-out for his appointment.


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