Who: Red, Reeve, Lana
What: Kitten!Red hides under his bed for the epic battle.
When: Sometime in the afternoon.
Where: Red's room, 2415
Rating: PG
Red heard the noises outside quite clearly and altogether too suddenly for his tastes. A moment later and he felt the battle. Being a sort of firecat, he was naturally attuned to his element of choice and could feel the magic of fire flowing harshly outside in the battle. He shivered in fear from what power he felt.
Giving a startled yelp after one particularly loud and nasty blow, the tiny Nanaki suddenly darted under the bed. He trembled uncontrollably and mewled in helplessness.
Somewhere, in the very back of his mind, he knew that if he were his normal size this wouldn't frighten him so... just give him a terrible headache or something.
As it was, he whimpered and curled up into as tight a ball as he could manage and hoped it would all end soon. Eventually, he cried his tiny form to sleep.