Alright guys, here's how dis be goin' down
First off, if you're completely lost a
time line (this will be updated constantly until the end of the plot) has been posted, from start of plot - now. This includes all IC and OOC posts related either directly or by inference to this plot! However I will post the big important ones right here for you guys:
Original OOC Post Oliver's meeting in the ballroom for those wanting to help rescue people - ICly, this is where you should reply to get in a group. BACKTAG BACKTAG BACKTAG.
Second OOC Post OOC Search team sign-up - you wanna go here to get into a group.
And thanks to
Tony, Kyon, Fuuka and Yuki Riful's location has been found! The clues dropped were that she liked forests & mountainsides, open space, places that weren't crowded...someplace close to the Dead Zone, and somewhere far enough from the castle that she felt the familiar tug to return to the castle. And those in the search parties watching the sky today heard a very
familiar sound whirring through the air above them, following by a large object moving fast towards the South. Where is that exactly, and why was it so hard to find even for those who should have pin-point accuracy?
Riful's crib is a little...odd. Unless you know where it is and what you're looking for it's nigh-impossible to find. That's why the more clues came out, the easier it became for people to find it! First a direction...then an area-type...then a location! It's kind of like the
Perception Filter in Dr. Who (it's the best way to explain it). However now that the search parties know what to look for they'll be able to find it by the time things go down on Wednesday!
BUT YEAH IT'S PRETTY DARN FAR. No wonder "South" was a hard clue to work around for the search parties! And I know the distance is daunting, but remember! These guys have been out there for two days already...and that ETA is for walking; surely they're boogieing? Regardless everyone should arrive on-time for the big finale happening tomorrow, Wednesday June 2nd. Now I'm gonna toss you guys some more info to help y'all out with what your characters will be dealing with!
First off, Riful's pimp manor:
The outside is that of your standard Paradisan manor: several different styles mixed together, but it does look old. Whoever lived there has been gone for maybe a decade or so, and while it hasn't started rotting yet, it's certainly dusty! Furniture has all been cleared out, save all the portraits and paintings of little dogs on velvet cushions and stuff. Cavalier King Charles spaniels, you get the drift. There's also a spinning wheel in the attic! But none of that is super-relevant to the hostages, now is it?
The manor itself has 2 main floors, an attic, and a cellar: the cellar is where the captives have been held. The layout looks something like this:
The shadowed figure is the body found earlier--the identity of this person will be revealed near the conclusion of the plot, so don't worry about that for now! Broken pieces of bone and metal scatter the floor, and while the residents were originally bound with these Riful has since
stepped up the security. She twisted the metal around their hands and ankles herself, so it'll take a little bit of work to get those off.
The second thing they'll be dealing with is Riful herself! If you've been following the
second ooc plot you'll see the info that's been posted on Riful, as well as her abilities. If you want more check out her
official wiki, as well as the one on
Dwellers of the Deep and
Awakened Beings. She's also
REALLY HUGE. This form is what the heroes will be combating--though at first she'll greet them in loli form. There should be two posts put up for this part:
Search parties/Hostages post (This should go up in the morning/afternoon)
Here there will be separate threads for the search parties coming together with the known location, as well as one for the hostages + Riful prior to their "arrival". There will be another for Allen and Dick since those two grabbed the initiative and headed out a bit sooner than everyone else--they'll be the first to arrive. Here there should be battle prep/hostage development!
BATTORU POST (This will go up closer to late afternoon/evening)
HERE This is where the showdown and rescue will take place! There will probably be something for combat, something for the rescue, and then something for post-fight-but-still-in-da-plot. This is where Riful will show her Awakened form and do her best to test the rescuers for their resolve and powers! No one will be mortally wounded here! Her goal isn't to kill people--it's to find strong people to be her allies, so even if she's ridiculously strong and her body
isn't the easiest thing in the world to cut they should be able to either distract her/keep her busy enough to rescue the hostages.
It's not going to be as simple as running into the manor though--once Riful shows her Awakened form it'll cause a tremor strong enough to cave in the entrance to the cellar. You're going to have to dig the hostages out, and fast (the structural integrity of the cellar will be fine and they'll have air--this is just to prevent them from getting rescued right off the bat. Basically just the support beams keeping the stairs leading down to them collapsed). Something else is dwelling down there now, and it might turn out to be even worse than Riful... Anyone able to sense powers/energy will notice that something insanely powerful, dark, and evil is starting to grow. The kind that inspires "OH SHIT DUDE THE EFF OUTTA THERE"-type vibes.
But once everything's settled down it'll be up to the heroes to tend to the wounded...and the body within the cellar.
Not involved with the kidnapees/the search parties and you're still wanting something to do? Feeling a little lost?
These guys are a 3.5 days' walk away from home! And Riful's place has no food or water supply--she's been feeding them with stolen food from town and from a river nearby, and with a search party of that magnitude healers and supplies and the like might be needed! People back home in the castle can organize setting up something in the clinic or just something in general! Even the normalers can do stuff to help out if they put their minds to it :>
Heck, the search parties might even need someone to go to them with transport or food or medicine--let's get something rolling IC guys! There's no excuse for anyone to get left out here :) The hostages haven't even BATHED since they've been captured, they've bled onto their clothes (so they might need a change), and there's a massive number of people there a long distance away who will be hungry! LOOKING AT YOU, MR. BOTTOMLESS PIT. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE.
Plus people will be tired/worn out, and even if some can zip back and forth not everyone can! It'd be cool if we could get something like this set up and running as opposed to the usual "HAY i WILL FLY YOU HOME IN 3 SECONDS FLAT U WILL BE HEALED IN 5 MIN BY THE DOCTORS AT DA CASTLE." I know there's the usual "THE TARDIS WILL SAVE US" thing too, but due to the filterous nature of this place, it'll make getting any definite lock on to it's location impossible, so it won't be able to just appear there for an easy lift :> No flying machine will be able to get a lock on the location either so even if they've got something like that it should take some time for them to get back and forth between the manor and the castle.
A lot of the people who came are combat-oriented, not medicine-oriented, and I know a few of the healers were caught themselves. Let's get a little bit of this "quasi-reality" thing going on in Paradisa! Not everything has to be a magical solution! Especially so close to the Dead Zone (within 6-10 miles of it via the mountains).
And I'll mention again: BACKTAAAAAAGGGGGGG even if the plot's moving ahead you don't need to let a thread die out! I WANNA READ ALL YOUR TL;DRS. SHOW US EVERYTHING.
If you'd rather not do that/will have issues being online for the big showdown/finale, Riful won't exactly be gentle on them--if you're thinking something might happen to hold up a them up then maybe having them temporarily unconscious would work? Or whatever you'd like to come up with! Just toss an IM my way so if you randomly disappear the rest of the people involved aren't left scratching their heads, wondering what's going on.
You should also use this post to plot/plan/inform everyone of what you want to do during these posts so we can get others involved :> Also this is important since it will affect the two posts tomorrow, as well as the sections within them!
Comments/questions/ur doin it wrong?
AIM: we were british
Plot chat (24/7):