How It--- WAIT A SEC!
A h h h h h h s t o p s t o p s t o o o o o o p !
We've heard complaints about the system we've gone with being too first-come-first-serve (hence the late post) and that this plot was too exclusive from the start. We completely understand concerns about exclusivity, and promise that was not the intent; it was written with the idea in mind that the explorers would be introducing a magic room full of magic items to the rest of the castle.
As for the system for claiming items, we've had suggestions on other systems, but as these concerns were brought to us very late in the game, we think it would be messy to try and change things on such short notice. We're going to stay with the claims idea this time, though we are absolutely taking this as a learning experience and taking this to heart in the future. We do want to address concerns and try to make things fair, whenever possible.
As a compromise, we're easing up the "set in stone" nature of the items; we'll allow that the items can be traded, lost, stolen, etc.
And, that said, we can also promise that there are always more World Plot-related stuff in the future. :) With or without rollercoasters.
For Real Now!
P h e w , h a h a.
We’ve listed the items on the Wiki. If your character wants to take an item, please comment with the form below with whatever item they’ve chosen. This is first come, first serve.
We’re using the honour system here, too. We won’t tell you how long you have to wait until your character figures it out, but approach it rationally: how often would a character, say, place their random item under a banana, only to discover it allows one to levitate? Dumb luck can kick in, certainly, but if it’s a crazy power, have your character hang onto it for a while -- maybe it’ll be something to do on a rainy day, somewhere down the line.
Item Claim
Please fill out the following with ITEM, and CHARACTERNAME. Write your character name as it appears on the Wiki when commenting.
Item of choice: ITEM
Second Choice: ITEM