15 Years Ago, I:
1. Moved to So CA
2. Loved Nintendo
3. Road a skateboard most places
4. Played the drums daily
5. Had a family
10 Years Ago, I:
1. Enjoyed school for the first time (but I was still ditching it)
2. Drove everywhere
3. Partied anonomously with people I would meet and become friends with many years later
4. Went to lots of concerts
5. Learned what joy was
5 Years Ago, I:
1. Lived in Fullerton
2. Did too many drugs
3. Took a LONG break from dating
4. Was part of a new family
5. Met far too many people for being such an introvert...
2 Years Ago, I:
1. Dating again
2. Was watching all my favorite people dying... and somehow figured out how to live
3. Moved back to my mom's house
4. Was free! (more ways than I could begin to describe: spiritually, mentally, emotionally, financially, physically, and legally)
5. Decided to complete my education
1 Year Ago, I:
1. Finished my GE and left the community college system for the UC
2. Getting ready to move to Riverside
3. Finally got it ;)
4. Started becoming part of the outside world again
5. Smiled a lot
Yesterday, I:
1. Went to my art classes
2. Forgot my wallet in OC and did WAY too much driving to get it back
3. Played Civ3
4. Procrastinated
5. planned my week/weekend activities (I seldom plan anything)
Today, I:
1. Was stuck in the worst traffic EVER!
2. Missed my Japanese class
3. Visitted Donovan at his work
4. Played Civ3
5. Witnessed my parents 13 year divorce finally legally end
Tomorrow, I:
1. See Star Wars with some great friends
2. Will NOT miss my Japanese class
3. Will be very bitter about driving
4. Intend to take lots of pictures
5. Will smile
Five Snacks I Enjoy:
1. Beer
2. Cheese
3. Chocolate
4. Ice Cream
5. Sushi (it's bite sized... that makes it a snack, no?)
Five Songs I Know All the Words To, Even Without the Music:
1. Moonlight Sonata, Hungarian Rhaphsody, Toccatta and Fugue, etc...
2. Everything ever made by X-Dream, Hallucinogen, KoxBox, Infected Mushroom, etc...
3. Many many many songs by the Beatles, Led Zepplin, Pink Floyd, Jane's Addiction, Primus, and Nirvana
4. Sinead O'Connor - Thank you for hearing me
5. The Rainbow Connection (I can even snig like Kermit)
Five Books I Like:
1. Neverwhere, Stardust, Good Omens, etc... - Neil Gaiman
2. The Dragonlance Chronicles and Legends - Weiss and Hickman
3. Neuromancer - William Gibson
4. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - Douglas Adams
5. Black Elk Speaks - As told through John G. Neihardt (Flaming Rainbow)
Five Things I Would Buy With $1000:
1. Useless shit
2. Food
3. Gas
4. Computer parts
5. Music
Top Five Musicians Lately (or Last 5 CDs in the CD Player):
1. Radiohead
2. Zero7
3. Hujaboy
4. Liszt
5. Prophei
Five Bad Habits I Have:
1. Breathing
2. Thinking
3. Over-sleeping
4. Procrastination
5. Wrath, Lust, Sloth, Gluttony, Envy, Greed, and Pride
Five Things I Would Never Wear:
1. Spandex
2. Diapers
3. Anything pink
4. Leather Studded G-string
5. Orion's undies
Five TV Shows I Like:
1. Farscape
2. Simpsons
3. Iron Chef
4. 24 (only saw it once, but it looked neat)
5. a few others, but I dont know what they are called...
Five of thee Places I've Lived:
1. Iran
2. North Dakota
3. Minnesota
4. California
5. In my car
My Top Five Biggest Worries at the Moment:
1. My poor widdle car
2. All things school related
3. Housing next fall
4. Money/Employment
5. Self-destructive friends
My Top Five Biggest Joys at the Moment:
1. Mi Amigos
2. Japan
3. Parties/Music/Dancing
4. Photography
5. Movies... normally they are just a guilty pleasure, a distraction or an excuse for hangin w/ mah hommies... lately they have been reason for joy.