Wow, all the votes have really motivated me to keep doing extra art. I'm coloring that megaman piece and will make it into a print soon. This time I've inked a fairly simple sketch that may also become a print:
I've gotten a lot of great feedback for the latest comic. Hehe, I'm such a fanboy. The newest vote art is Megaman! :3 I've been meaning to draw Megaman for a long time. I think I'm going to keep posting art like this every few days.
The next PL comic, "Can We Keep It" posted last night at midnight. Also, drawing the next vote art now, so check back a lot! (We're already like 63 as I post this!) Enjoy. ^^
Voting is going awesome, so I added a little color to that sketch. Thanks everyone for the votes! It boosts traffic a little which in turn helps me a little bit with some of the bills. ^^