Title: The Long Shot (3/6)
chaineddoveFandom: Final Fantasy XII
Rating: NC-17 due to one scene in a later chapter, PG-13 otherwise
Genre: Romance
Pairing: Balthier/Ashe
Wordcount: 2,107
Disclaimer: I don't own FFXII (well, I do own a copy for my PS2...).
Authors' Notes: In this chapter, Ashe gets advice from everyone, including Basch, and decides
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Comments 7
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Oh, Balthier's reaction... Just wait XD And yes, Ashe's friendship with Basch is sweet. She misses him.
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I like the fact that Ashe's solution only works because it's Balthier. Elegantly subversive.
Never let it be said that Ashe isn't a fiendishly clever woman. And yes, it really only works because it is Balthier, although I bet that she could also talk Basch into it, if she framed her argument well... He is, after all, the kind of guy who'd do anything for someone he loves, platonic though it may be.
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Also, if I can slack off school work to write this, you have my permission to slack off school work to read it XD
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