Title: The Long Shot (6/6)
chaineddoveFandom: Final Fantasy XII
Rating: NC-17 due to one scene in a previous chapter
Genre: Romance
Pairing: Balthier/Ashe
Wordcount: 2,664
Disclaimer: I don't own FFXII (well, I do own a copy for my PS2...).
Authors' Notes: Today was my last day at the Job From Hell, and this is the last chapter of our tale.
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Comments 3
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Well then, go find one? They are rare, sadly, but, um. I have three?
Well, thank you! I hope you stick around for the epilogue this evening. It will be inordinately fluffy.
I love the twists and turns in this story. Taxes! Larsa, you sly boy. Also loved the idea of Ashe crying over Penelo's handmade blanket. Somehow I imagine that pregnant Ashe is going to be a fearsome creature. Looking forward to epilogue.
Thank you! I had so much fun writing this. I blazed through it in under two weeks; it completely took me over and I sort of felt like I was being dragged along for a crazy ride most of the time. But I am really glad you had fun with it!
Also, pregnant Ashe will be terrifying. Just saying.
Epilogue to come tonight ♥ It is set about ten years later, so that should be fun for all ^_^.
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