(no subject)

Apr 14, 2009 13:56

Um hi this is my meta

It is long

I dont think you will like it

but I will just leave it here

Oh that is nice they are digging up corpses huh look at that


I haven’t done a meta in a while, so forgive me if I’m a little rusty. Also this is a LIVE META (how exciting) typed as I watch the episode for the first time. It’s like you guys are IN MY HEAD but don’t try telling me to do things pl0x. O.o

Well we start off like this


Basically I just threw a Spazz. This is confirmation of incest. Claire was defending new boyfriend, ie, Dad, to ex-boyfriend, ie, uncle. Uncle gives her a once over and goes

Boy, he’s certaintly charmed you. Don’t worry, happens to all of us..



Yes, so then Peter decides talking about his past relations with his brother to his ex-lover, I mean, niece is screwing with his mind, so he walks up to his new lover, uh, that is to say, his mum.

Maybe they say something important in this scene but I’m distracted by Milo’s hair flying in the wind. I think they have guys with fans JUST FOR THE HAIR.

Angela does a nice dramatic slow turn to face the camera and everything dips into grayscale, I mean, THE PAST. And we see young!Angela!

Pffft. Rtwofan would have been better. Obviously.

But then we see Chandra Suresh, which if I’m honest, is slightly annoying. I mean. He just happens to conviently have known about this COYOTE SANDS thing the whole time and even been involved but he’s never left records or files or ANYTHING on the subject until last week. C;mon. A little more credibility.

And then he introduces us to Zimmerman. So, y’know. WTF.




Charles Devaux is smooth, yet cliché. And leaves on his own terms, which he gains points for. How to charm a young lady 101. It works well enough. Angela seems charmed. Alice does not seem charmed and states she wants to go home. Alice is obviously following the role of unintentionally-smart-just-by-gut-feeling-younger-sibling. She also a pretty child, so I shall dub her miniPeter and hope she doesn’t grow up as whiny or annoying.

And then we snap back into colour and Peter IS being whiny and annoying by constantly repeating his needy call for attention. Ma. Ma. Ma. Ma. Ma. Ma. Ma. Ma.

Be quiet, Peter. This is why you have no friends.

Anyway, Angela says sadly (props to Christina Rose for the vocalisation acting) that her parents and her sister both died here, and if they don’t all play nicey-nicey than ULTIMATE DEATH WILL BEFALL THEM AND CARNAGE WILL REIGN.

Ok so that was a little overdramatic but that was the implication.

Right, right. Turns out Coyote Sands was The Company of the past, really. Government tells specials they can be cured and rounds ‘em up. Angela is caught. First gen. Government starts kidnapping specials. Noah is middle management. Second gen. Government gets seriously fucked up and starts making them out to be terrorists. Nathan is a manwhore. Third gen.


All those “x, y, z gen” reminds me of Pokemon. GOTTA CATCH ‘EM ALL.


Peter is worried the excessive heat is not doing good for his bangs and haughtily complains this could have been told in a restaurant. Oh, please do whine more, Peter! He’s been surprisingly good this series and has started to revert to his complaining self.

Proving that incest is all round, Angela has been having dreams of her sister. WAHEY.

What is with the amount of incest in this though? This whole family is screaming with UST. There's an inordinate amount of Angela/Peter lately. Actually, if I'm allowed to tangent for a bit, when I watched the last episode, it was there LIEK WHOA. When Angela was in the elevator and the doors opened with her hand on his chest I didn't recognise Peter for a second and actually though who is that hot boytoy Angela got from nowhere? I- OH MY GOD.


She seems touched by thoughts, and Peter interrupts her to whine more. I think it’s his time of month.

Nathan is worming his way into her favour by being non-whiny and supportive. Angela pretty much blanks him to explain how The Company was formed by people from here trying to erase memory of their existence. It worked…for fifty years.

Damn, how old is Angela meant to be in this timeline, because she does not look it.

Noah turns out to be one of THE GOOD GUYS, or the LIGHTER SHADE OF MORALLY GREY GUYS when he reveals that’s basically what he’s been doing. Claire’s affections have switched to BioDad now, so she’s a leeeetle bitchy to him.

Peter gets excited at the hint of slightly bitchiness from other characters and jumps back in. He MAKES T3H GOOD LOGIC with the idea that she’s manipulating him to kill and be part of the Company v. 2.0, and swoops off into the air. Nathan claims I’ll get him cheerily and swoops off after him. I have to say, I have a bad bad mind but when he first came out, he was tugging on his sleeve or something, but I totally thought he was tugging on his fly. I was like, WHAT YOU’RE GOING TO GET HIM AND RAPE HIM?! WHAT?!

But as mentioned before the incest is consensual, etc., etc. Peter's moral's are impeccable, just a little bitchy.

Goes back into nice greyness, I mean, 1961. It’s been a month and Angela is wakened from a nightmare of being scared. She walks outside to meet the convenient three boys. They attempt to prove they are special and Linderman heals her a scar. I fucking love his accent.

Godamn I just want to replay that accent bit.

::giggles madly::

Ok, yeah, I’m done with that. Angela stridently insists that they will be fine, and sneaky Charles already knows she can dream the future, so asks what her dream was.

Just wondering how it came to be that
1) all these people found out they had weird powers
2) kept mentally stable
3) happened to get close enough to cabinmates to show this.

…What’s that Linderman? You have healing hands? Oh…please do touch me and prove it then.


Yet it’s too weird to think about them as the versions we know.

But Angela and Alice are also in a cabin together and I wonder if that was the start of the Petrellicest?


Suresh is bad. Alice finds her sister in nightclothes with several boys. She takes her inside. Her feet are cold without socks. (What’s she been wearing for a month anyway?!) They talk in atmospheric whispers as Alice reveals she can control the weather. It snows.

Now we are back in a desert. Claire approaches Angela. Angela asks where Noah is. With the recent episodes, I’m starting to feel like the writers just started shipping Angela/Noah and are waving a big flag. Claire points out she asked for some alone time with Angela. (IIIIIINCEST ALERT.)

They talk about self-confidence issues. It occurs to me Angela is right, Claire had no problem digging up skeletons and the such. I didn’t think twice on it, because

1) I know this is TV

2) Death is so popularised in TV it has no effect, shows likes Bones or whatever. But for a teenage girl to be out in the desert digging up rotting corpses and not even care does not bode well for Claire’s moral/mental health.

There’s a random storm as Angela muses on what it is she did that was so bad. ALIIIIIIIICE, she cries, running outside into the swirling dust. Heroes music plays over the slightly muted sound effects. It works pretty well. However there is no ALIIIIIIIICE in sight, so they return inside, despite the fact it clearly is ALIIIIIIICE and Angry!ALIIIIIICE at that.

Peter is sulking sitting somewhere, probably the restaurant he mentioned earlier. Nathan arrives and unzips his jacket to make things easier for later. It really is a godamn restaurant. Peter pulls probably the most exploitable expression ever.

My first thought is:


But other contenders include:

“Tea, Mr Bond?”

And my favourite:

“Bitch, please.”

And there's always the alt-text when you scroll over it.

Feel free to caption in comments. It’s a great picture.

Peter takes a deliberate, delicate sip of his unnamed beverage. HE’S LIKE A BOND VILLIAN.

Nathan points out they need to get through whatever is between them. …This sexual innuendo is too obvious even for me.

Peter gets mad that Nathan ran away from Washington, and Nathan’s hair is distracting. I think I’m missing something or have forgotten something, but, um, what happened to the Haitian? I mean…he’s like, Bennet’s best friend, and Bennet prefers Nathan to Danko so it wouldn’t have been that hard to get rid of the flight memory/suspicions, then be like “OH HAI NATHAN JUST WENT ON HOLIDAY FOR A WEEK HE’S BACK NOW.”

Eh, whatever.

Peter turns out to REALLY GET DOWN TO THE POINT…why he’s been SO ANGRY at Nathan for SO LONG…what’s COME BETWEEN THEM…

Nathan got to see a hot footballer Peter didn’t.




Nothing I can say could make my thoughts any more obvious. It is what it is. Peter got mad Nathan got to see "and probably slept with, arrogant gorgeous bastard"  a hot footballer.

But on a serious note, it’s more about selfishness, unconditional love that suddenly got conditional, taking too much bullshit over the years, “hero-worship that is unrequited”, just like we learned in the very first Heroes episode ever from Angela herself.

Nathan goes on about finding some way to forgive each other. Sex is clearly on his mind. Peter blows him off (not like that, you perverts. But seriously, there will be fic on this. I know there will. It'll explode suddenly. (NOT LIKE THAT YOU PERVERTS.))

Noah is randomly outside in the storm. Why did he go outside? What was he doing, anyway? Couldn’t he just have gone to another building to leave them alone or something? Anyway, he keeps yelling Claire. “THE GLASSES! THEY DO NOTHING TO PROTECT MY EYES!” A piece of cardboard hits him and he falls over. Maybe I’m a bad person, but I fucking lol’d. xD

Then he is dragged off in a manner equally cheesy. Um, excuse me, have you SEEN Jack Coleman?! He’s like the Jolly Green Mysterious MorallyGrey Giant. He’s freakin’ HUGE. And pretty built too, y’know.

Ahhh, now it makes sense. It’s Momo, using his ability of superpretty! superstrength as he slams Noah into a wall and his hair flies wildly.

I’m laughing because they basically just summed up quarter-of-an-hour of plot reveal in a few shouting sentences. Something about it is just comical. I think it’s the way they’re yelling.

Momo is shocked because Daddy was nasty. He appears to pull a file from his pants. Nice one, Mohinder.

Nice transition to the past from grayphoto to gray…everything. Chandra talks to Angela, Alice panics. Angela predicts cards, then reveals how. DUDE. Don’t tell the enemy! SUPERVILLIAN 101! Chandra doesn’t seem all that shocked, but assures her it won’t happen. More talk, then he brandishes a huge needle and tells her it won’t hurt. LIEZ.

Back to Angela and Claire. Angela is convinced it’s Alice. Claire is not. Angela storms outside despite Claire’s yells of IT’S TOO DANGEROUS. Claire, don’t be pathetic. You kind of can’t die. Why don’t YOU go outside.

She does go outside, but Angela has already disappeared and the storm is dying down. The brothers appear. I believe they both independently have the power of flight now, but they appear to have been touching each other. …lol

Claire then makes the choice to go YOUR MOM. (reeeeeeeeeeeeally long pause.) …She’s gone.

Peter and Nathan use their newly refreshed brotherly love mind powers to split up and start searching. Claire seems dismayed and unsure who to follow. WHO IS MORE ATTRACTIVE TO ME?! DAD OR UNCLE?! I’M SO CONFUSED! =[

Then we see emotional!momo (nice jawline angle camera people. Mmm.) hating his father. He says: the most obvious answer is usually the right one. …Wait, so you ARE gay and you and Matt really WERE shacking it up that season?

Peter, Nathan and Claire happen to walk across HRG and Mohinder. None of them give the teary ex-lizard a second glance. Claire strokes HRG’s arm suggestively. Possibly trying to get over Milo. FROSTY BETWEEN THEM. So, um, HRG somehow knows Angela is missing. I’m willing to let that slide because he’s Noah Motherfucking Bennet and is better than God, obviously. He points out no-one should be alone, so Nathan realizes Momo is there and assigns him to Peter.

Momo + Peter = TEAM PRETTY. (Or Team Brooding, if you want.)

They walk into an empty building. Mohinder points out that the empty building does not, in fact, have Angela in it. It is, in fact, EMPTY. Mohinder lets his emo side out and Peter feels he is being out-emo’d, so does his best to cheer Mohinder up. I am sensing undercurrents when Peter mentions the past they share. I kind of want them to have a touchy-close-affection moment in the shack. I want to write fic off this but I know it will fail.

They talk about redemption. I just let Momo’s voice talk at me without paying attention to the words because HIS BEARD. I just…he…it’s all beardy.

He throws a token of compromise at Peter as he says Nathan may have redemption. Peter pulls a skeptical face. Then we skip to Noah and Nathan angsting. They don’t angst quite as well, as they are more men of action. Claire picks up the dustcover of the old book Alice had and stats talking about how she misses her old life. She says she should be a basket case, which is mildly offensive. But wouldn’t it make the show a lot more interesting?! I would love it if they started including Claire’s decline of mental sanity. Now that would be something to work with. And since she lives forever…oh God that would be sort of funny.

Anyway, Noah and Nathan are the two dads in this situation, and obviously feeling a little, uh, gay that is to say, competitive about it. They move slightly to the left and Nathan drapes himself over a convenient metal frame. Claire turns into Alice.

Charles tells Angela to abandon Alice and lie to her, etc. There is definitely potential ‘cest between Angela and Alice. Alice knows that Angela is lying to her. It’s sad, really. It really does remind me of Peter and Nathan back at the start of the season.

Angela wakes up, having apparently had another dream. Godamn, is this girl narcoleptic or something?! It’s so weird to see past!Angela turn into now!Angela. Fifty years Alice has been alive and never once thought to contact her sister? How would you live a normal life? I actually have an older sister, so it’s a hugely bizarre concept to me.

Angela picks up a book and strokes the faded cover. The doors open and she hides. A mysterious, partly hidden person walks down the stairs and Angela reveals herself.


She looks nothing like Alice. The hair colour, the skin tone, the shape of the eyebrows, the bone structure of the planes of the face…but I can accept matches may be hard to find, so I will let it slide. Alice ignores Angela as she plays music, and it goes back into the past again. Angela is exhibiting a girl trend and stressing out while the boys relax and eat..heheh…fries. She goes to dance with Charles after he knows she likes the song playing. …UM HOW. Want to know what his power is. Suspect it is mind reading. Anyway, it leaves Linderman and Bobby Bishop drinking milkshakes together. …yaygay.

They dance and the bar-guy is racist. Charles goes all MIND-FU on him. It’s gotta be mind-reading. And the SOCKS thing comes out! Angela wants to get socks for Alice! This is why she kept stealing socks…oh…I made myself sad. =[

It goes into the present again and Angela touches her long-lost sister. They talk to each other. The 'beautiful' thing is actually nice, despite the cheese. Alice gives the impression of being a LITTLE BIT CRAZY. Whether it’s meant to annoy Angela, only around Angela, or she’s always like this, I can’t tell. But I can’t blame the girl for losing mental sanity if she’s stayed for fifty years in the torture camp her sister abandoned in as a child. Looking back though, she was safe there. She’s alive. Angela’s dream was right, as ever.

Alice reveals what happened to her…it’s not good. She got scared, she zapped someone with lightening, ran, Suresh slapped her, some kid zapped him, he got shot, lots of gunfire, she hides. Now that’s gotta be a traumatising experience. But the music is so distracting.

BACK TO THE FUTURE. Alice covers her face and cries. She’s so childlike because of flawed development in aging, and it’s sad. There’s a wonderful moment where they hold each other and talk about socks (socks are awesome), but then Alice isn’t ready for Angela’s honesty. She starts zapping stuff and wind-ing it up. Momo gets zapped because he tries to help her and she is reminded of his father. Oh dear.

Angela calms her down and it all looks to be going well until she plays the PAINFUL MEMORY OF CHILDHOOD BETRAYAL card. Tsk tsk. Peter indicates for his mum to chase her as he tend to his Team Pretty playmate. Alice apparently also has the power of opportune disappearing.

Mohinder is standing dramatically looking into the night, and his teammate comes to see him. He angsts over his father (have MORE daddy issues Mohinder. Oh wait you can’t.) and Peter hands him a sextape tape of something unknown. Mohinder isn’t sure. Peter invites him back to his place but Mohinder is seeing Sylar so he refuses. They have a manly handshake. Fangirls everywhere are disappointed by the lack of love.

Then we’re back at the café. For a moment, I reflect on the earlier disapproval of Angela dancing with Charles because they’re different. I want a scene where Peter attempts to dance with Nathan and it’s disapproved because they’re the same. I hate homophobes.

Angela’s past actress doesn’t actually look like her. It’s annoying.

We go to the future again and they’re all eating (WHERE IS MY GAY BRO!YAY DANCE SCENE) and Nathan comes to see his mum. He invites her to the table and then unceremoniously begins devouring a burger. Peter holds her hand as she looks vaguely disgusted. Noah concentrates studiously on his ::giggle:: fries. Fries. Fries, fries, fries. It will never stop sounding weird to me.

There’s a sappy bawww moment where they’re all like a family and then Peter forgives Nathan and then Nathan is going back to own up to his mistakes…




Adrian does a wicked Sylar-Being-Nathan though.

Although it brings up the fun question of how he touched Nathan. Maybe he was having sex with Peter (IT’S CANON FUCK OFF) and got his form so when Peter had sex with Nathan (also canon) he could become Nathan and pretend to be president. Basically it’s turning into Five Years Gone without the bomb. Heroes are trying to hide superpowers, Sylar is trying to eliminate superpowers by posing as someone in power, and Mr Muggles is watching…waiting…

Also next week: Sylar has an identity chrisis due to his new power. I LOL'D.


…I KNOW it’s wrong, and let me make this clear: NOTHING is better to me than Petlar, but…mmm. Just the way Sylar is around her. And the way she is around Nathan and Peter! And they way they are around each other!

And, and, and, give this godamn cast some pHDs because they could teach you a thing or two about chemistry, let me tell you.

Ok I am leaving now before you start throwing stuff at me goodbye.

i don't use this tag enough, femslash, spoilers, petrellicest, bro!yay, noah, reaction post, this is a lot of tags, squee, multiple pairings, meta, heroes, slash, heroes_meta, bad joke, momo, incest!

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