Well, I think it is safe to say that Heroes this week was orgasmic.
First, there was a Sylar introduction monolouge. Hmm. Wow. I could just listen to Zach Quinto's voice quite happily. I have a bit of a worry now that if he ever DOES turn evil, I'll be completely helpless but to be on his side because he'll just instruct me to do something and I'll be like "Hahahahaha yes of course anything why no I am not mindlessly drooling."
Then Nathan confronts Peter over their dad's death, and Peter admits it was Sylar. Excuse me while I remind myself of that scene and the amount of smex in it. Siiiigh. And Nathan just goes "...Sylar." Which reminds me, did anyone think to tell Nathan at ALL that whole "Brothers maybe brothers half brothers? Not brothers at all? Really? I'm no longer incest?" thing that went on? Nathan had no CLUE? Does he know what's happening in his own fandom universe? Because when was the last time he even saw Sylar? What does he think of him? I could go back through the series, but the prospect of trawling through all the retcon evil makes me weak, so I shall move on.
And here is a lovely picture of Peter being all...Peter.
Then Peter knocks Nathan out. I would like to point out I like Peter again. In Season One, he was the painfully puppy adorable naive little guy you just wanted to grab a hold of and cuddle until a Sylar came along and yelled MINE. Then, he got to squickily STUPID for a bit that it was unbearable. Even the pretty was only vaguely distracting from the very moment he stood there and asked Nathan if there was an eclipse the first time he flew, and Nathan stood there and said YES. ::Brandishes Rapier:: The ret-con burns. But anyway, my point is, I like Peter again, because he has guns and he knows what he wants (Sylar)/should do and fricken' DOES IT.
THEN. Oh, THEN someone else appears. ::bursts spontaneously into flame::
Ah yes, here is Sylar. Just in case you didn't know that I have a huge attraction to poor Zach Quinto, as does, incidentally, my sister. And almost every other person on earth who might be attracted to men. Even my boyfriend thinks he's kinda hot.
Initial thoughts is what happened to the Haitian Jimmy by the way? He better not be hurtin' ma Jimmeh. But anyway, Sylar has a funny voice and a funny accent and a slightly funny but also charming monologue. (He gets a real twang on for "Terrify You," don't cha think?") It's endearing, or it would be if it weren't so creepy and didn't put me in mind of some form of horror movie. On principal, I refuse to watch horror movies, but I somehow think of Saw. The ones where the crazy guy looks everyone up and plays games with them. Yeah, Sylar's like that.
You know, the height of evil is when you can be the most screwed up, evil, immoral, sick bastard on the planet and STILL have people think you're hot. That is just...that's beyond the normal evil.
Then Claire, Merideth, Angela and Noah all go hunting about with shotguns (LOLZ!). I don't know why that amuses me, but something about four people- one an older woman, one a girly teenager- with guns againsta superpowered physcological genius freaky kind of...thing that Sylar is. I find it funny, I'm weird, ok? But the point is this:
Angela: You don't really think you can stop Sylar, do you?
Claire: Yeah. I do. Sylar's got my healing ability. There's a spot, right here. Jab something in, it cuts off my brain, shuts me down.
Then they split up, because everyone knows that in a creepy dark building you're locked in with a serial killer, it's only polite to make things easy for him and split up.
Sylaire promptly implodes as Sylar compares himself to Claire and says they can only be damaged by a broken heart. It promptly flares and dies in the light of Angela/Sylar as he says that is what PARENTS give you. Oh, dear. Heroes will ALWAYS favour the more messed up. There's a joke here about my OTP, Pylar, but I refuse to make it.
I have to say, what initially brought this change of heart on in Sylar seems to be finding his parents weren't really his parents. So I bet Noah is cussing under his breath right now. That REALLY backfired on you, hey? Oh weeeell. You'll get over it. It's not you Sylar's really mad at anyway, I think he just wants a little bit of revenge from the whole thing where you slit his neck. He really liked that shirt before you got it bloody. Come to think of it, it was Peter's trademark white tee. SHARE CLOTHES MUCH, ahahha, proof they slept together. Yes, I know I'm desperate and pathetic.
Anyway, here is a shot of Hiro being cute and talking to pigeon to distract you.
Then the wondertrio plan on how to save Hiro. ...Eh. I like the characters, but only a) When Hiro and Ando are being awesome together or b) When Matt is not with Daphne. They sunk MattMo, which was the cutest ship by far last season.
And speaking of MattMo, we travel to Mo. I pity him. He is scaley but cutely ill in a pitying way. Aww. Then there is a nice reminiscent Pethinder moment, proving TALKING to the crazy guy with the gun about your past will ALWAYS save your life. I perk up as the formula is whisked out of Mohinder's hand, but there is no telekinetic ZQ on my screen coming to save Peter. Damn.
Knox and Flint burst in and threaten Momo. There is an interesting Helix Shaped Cut on Flint's cheek, which is so interesting every starting letter deserves to be capitalised. But I think it's just a cut. Knox is quick to team up with Peter, which seems odd. Only a short while ago was he trying to kill the man and go after Claire in the weird sewer place. But WHATEVA. I guess Knox's evil is part of the fact he changes alliences and only gives a damn about himself, right now?
Then Scott appears and promptly dies. Well, he was fun while it lasted. And Nathan talks to Knox, and asks if he is working for his brother. How screwed up is the show where I actually EXPECT Knox to reply "No, I'm double crossing him for you." Or, rather, "No, I am working for myself, and it happens to be on Peter's side because my mother's half-brothers sister's daughter's best friend's aunt's child's cousin on his mother's side was adopted into a family of hissing lizard things who also had the magic ability to empathize because it is ALL ABOUT LOVE."
Which, re-reading, doesn't really go anywhere. WHICH IS THE POINT.
Here is Knox, your mother's friend's local pub keeper who knows someone who has a daughter that- OH MY GOD A SHIRTLESS ACTOR EVERYONE LOOK THAT WAY AND STOP LISTENING TO THIS EXCUSE FOR A PLOT.
Wondertrio! And I hiss at Matt, because he has taken to calling Momo "Suresh," and a freak. MattMo used to be such a love of mine, and I feel like I have just seen it sell itself out to the writers as they attempt to convince fans at least one person on the show is straight. It saddens me. Now when I think of a pairing for Mohinder, it has to be said, Sylar slides into mind. Although Peter is attached to his leg and dragged with him kicking and screaming until he spies Mohinder and makes a crass joke about threesomes. Then he's all for it.
The Face Of The Enemy. You know what this show needs? Some hot girl to ship Daphne with.
But I remember I'm meant to be giving a summary. So, Ando injects himself with the formula Daphne stole and faints. And then it cuts to Hiro trying to destroy the formula and being cute with his younger self and awwhh.
DUM DUM DUUUUM. Back to the horror movie, where Claire is trying the phone. No luck. Then Sylaire explodes again as Claire says she would like to spank Sylar. Then my brain implodes from pain. DO NOT WANT.
Um, yes, here is Claire in all of her aparently kinky glory. You know, I do kind of pity Hayden. Getting the script, she MUST have known what everyone was going to think there, and I guess on set there were a few nudges and winks between the crew to put her off...poor Hayden. With most of the people on this show, it's always in the back of my mind about the REAL actor or actress, and how they felt, and why they said/did it like that, and what that expression was meant to convey, etc.
Sylar rings up and says he will allow Noah, Claire and BioMom to walk out. ...::snerk:: BUT, Claire must kill Angela. Claire asks WHY in a nice dramatic voice, and Sylar tells her to ask her dad sometime about what Noah and Elle did to him. (cough cough). He says he could have been a nobody...instead of the monster he became. I am instantly filled with gratitude, pride and general fangirlgasms because JUST YESTERDAY I wrote a fiction for the prompt "Anonymous" on Sylar. Yes, I know, I'm really stupid to feel excited that I got the idea they keep throwing at us, but it was a really cool coincidence. I shall indeed post it when my normal computer resumes it's internet connection...along with some other fics I have written. Yay.
Sylar appears to be wearing GuyLiner. I appear to be staring slack-jawed at the screen.
Noah and Merideth go let out the Level Five guys (Can I just ask, WHY wasn't Sylar on Level Five? I mean, let's face it, these guys are indeed nasty. But they're not so amazingly tenacious and I don't see one evil GENIUS that could even touch Sylar. C'mon, guys. Get your priorities. What you have now done is let guys you THINK are bad out to the BADDEST guy so he can have cool powers. OH GOOD THINKING.) Noah says they are bait. Yes, I repeat, he is TRYING to give Sylar more POWERS.
Here is Noah. In the grand scheme of things...he's kind of a dipshit.
Flint knocks Momo out and there is another Pethinder shippy glance as Peter leaps over to staddle him and check he is ok. That man would have chemistry with his own fucking shirt if there was nothing else. (I'll let you decide if I mean that in a "RAWR THAT IS FRUSTRATING" way or a "RAWR THAT IS HOT" way.)
Now we're at it, here is Flint's cut. It isn't quite a helix after all, just kind of. But we all know that this could easily be retconned into Flint dancing around with a neon sign on his head going LOOK THIS IS IMPORTANT ALL OF A SUDDEN.
And here is the Pethinder. Awwhh.
And attempts to timetravel but fails. He then turns out to be a supercharger, which seems to have a similar effect to the ability in the future. So how did that kill Hiro? Unless it sent him on the weird time-travel-spirit-walk like Usutu, which is my fantheory. If Daphne was right about the powers being what you want thing, then I think I can work with that too...Ando kinda wanted to be special, right? Because Hiro was always the main one, always the hero (as it were, snerk). So now he can make people BETTER.
Merideth is wandering about on her own (top tips for horror movies #1) and then puts down her weapon (top tip #2) to look at something. Sylar appears! (Rawr.) He is then suspended by odd puppet man who I cant remember the name of, and Merideth gives the classic "Oh, well, shit." look.
Hahaha, look at her face.
Sylar reveals he doesn't need to point to kill (although it is cute, like a kid learning they can now colour with just one hand on the penci..eee.) and murders...the guy. Eric! ERIC, that was it. Yes. Whatever. Then he injects Merideth with the adrenaline he found. Proving that smarts are returning, as I believe it was only recently confirmed that the abilities stemmed from the adrenal glands. Anyway, Merideth goes apeshit and uncontrolabally flamey. Sylar locks Noah in with her, and tells her if he wishes to survive he will have to shoot her...THEN WHAT WILL HE TELL CLAIRE.
Um here is Sylar being smexily evil. /end fangirl (Noah thinks it too.)
Nathan argues with Knox, they fight, Tracy freezes him, no more Knox. K. Am bored of them tbh.
The wondertrio discover Ando's power of supercharging, and HOLY JESUS CHRIST. They encompass science on the show. ::faints:: Matt explains part of Einstein's Theory of Relativity, meaning you can time travel if you go faster than the speed of light. So I dread to think how powerful Ando is. It also makes me wonder exactly how fast Daphne is...her body seems to suffer no aderse effects from the speed, but whether that is part of the ability, I don't know. But still...it's hard to comprehend the joint power of her and Ando now.
Um, Claire and Angela find out about Noah and Merideth. They go to try and save them, and there is a scene of vague smiles coming up. Claire leads angela by the hand through the darkness, lets go to push a door open warily, then takes the hand holding again. It occurs to her after a few steps her grandmother's hands have gotten much bigger. Although not rougher, because Sylar moisteurises.
He tells Claire, in short, that it is Angela or Noah, then that it's obvious she will go for Noah. I mean, hell, Milo must be pretty damn jealous because even I could feel the sexual tension from those two in that scene. And thats a het ship. And not just any het ship, but one that interfers with my OTP. That must be some PRETTY STRONG STUFF there to get me to notice it.
Umn, I am running out of time now so recapping very fast. O_o Claire reaches Noah and Merideth, and Noah makes Merideth heat the glass up for a short while before shooting it. It barely cracks. Claire throws herself through and pulls a long shard of glass out her neck before telling her she will be back. Hm. SCIENCE FAIL. Glass melts when heated, you jerkfaces. Why not just have Merideth stand there from the start? I mean, in these situations, I doubt it would be enough, and the glass would more likely fragment and shatter. So she should have just stood heating the corner from the beginning, meaning a) her adrenaline would be used up constructively instead of trying to hold it back, being scared, and henceforth producing MORE adrenaline and b) they would have got out.
I do kind of smile fondly when Heroes is thick. The whole Einstein thing threw me, I couldn't believe the researchers even knew who he was. (No offence my lovelies.) One of my friends was taunting me about it the other day. I'm a geek or a nerd or whatever, and I was talking about Einstein when they asked if that was The Dude From The Beatles.
Needless to say, I pulled a Sylar and slit their head open. Didn't eat the brain though, because it was probably infected.
But anyway, back to Heroes.
Nathan fires Tracy. Yawn.
Back to Hiro in the past. He fights with his dad and rips the formula in two before being saved by Daphne and Ando. They return to steal it from Tracy, whom Hiro punches. What is it with all the females calling him Pikachu? I gotta say, it's not the first thing that spring to MY mind when I saw him. In fact, it may be a mildly offensive stereotype due to the fact Masi is Japanese and therefore MUST like comic books and cartoons. ::snorts:: Just like I always drink tea, talk posh, wear floor-length dresses and think ankles are scandal because I'm English.
Back to Momo, Peter, Flint. They spill the formula everywhere and Momo turns pretty again. FAIL. We are to assume, then, that contact with the correct formula has rectified his misuse on touch. We are to assume, then, this formula does not need to be injected to work, that is it contact only. So why does Flint still have fire powers and Peter still nothing? YOU JUST WANTED SENDHIL'S PRETTY BACK.
Not that I mind. (: Wet pretty Sendhil in a lab coat is good. (Which reminds me. WHAT WAS THAT THE OTHER WEEK?! UNEXPECTED NAKED MOHINDER?! WHAAT?! GTFO!)
Nathan saves Peter's ass, and there is a scene that is somehow painful. Peter seems to be going for a kiss when NAthan punches him in the stomach. DAYMN.
Flint sets the room alight. Peter injects himself with the formula and leaps through the flames to get to Nathan. They soar out of the window.
::sniff:: Somehow I really love that moment. That Peter sacrifices everything he believes in to save Nathan any way he can, he has no idea what could happen and just prays and it ends up as Nathan's ability he gets, something to share with his brother...feel the BroYay Love.
Then, I realise that as the room explodes FUCKING MOHINDER IS STILL IN THERE. I mean.. COME ON. MOMO? I hope Momo is alive, you know. Flint can die and I won't care that much, but Momo! ::pouts and whines like Series One Peter::
Sylar ties Angela up and interrogates her to try and find out if she is his mother. There is some damn kinnky screwed up S&M going on there. TO THE MAX. Um, yeah, it's a little weird. Angela admits she is not Sylar's mother, and Sylar says he wished for a second she was. Awwh. Then he goes a little more physco and Angela says she did it because she manipulates people because she's a monster too. BIG MISTAKE. Sylar likes being the special monster and half-strangles her before she puts him off by telling him she knows his real parents. He demands the truth.
Look at that shizz. She stabbed him in the back of the head with what many speculate to be the piece of glass.
They save Angela, and return for Merideth who shoos them away as Claire says she loves her. Then Merideth explodes.
Merideth. Explodes. She goes all flamey (serves her right, she never could turn the flame greetings off) and hot and boom. As we have already discussed, glass melts when hot, or shatters. Glass like that embedded in a killer's skull. So while the building goes up in flames, I believe that THAT is how Sylar recovers from his death. We know they come back after the thing is removed, aand let's face it; there's no Heroes without Sylar. Since he was doing Spock, people have said he wasn't available for the first few episodes filming and that will be their excuse or something. You've had my reasoning as to why/how he's coming back. Knowing Heroes, the reasoning could simply be clocks ticking and some cockroaches. -.-'
Then there is BRUTAL scene between Peter and Nathan. I mean, total congratulations to Milo and Adrian, because I loved that scene. Nathan realises Peter injected himself and Peter says he had no choice, that Nathan is his brother and he loves him. The BroYay in there is suffocating. They get so close and so emotional and Peter has just betrayed everything about himself to save Nathan and for a second- this is how much of a fandom I exist in- I was expecting a kiss. You know in season one where Peter was in the coma and Nathan kissed him but like, RIGHT near/on the mouth? I was expecting that kiss, the one they try and play as brotherly and just is more.
But as we know he must, Nathan steps away and tells Peter he wouldn't have done it for him. And Peter whispers "Nathan," then looks up into the sky and calls "Nathan!" again in this heaertwrenching way...the dynamics between those two are so well done in that scene. And I just realised what a total wanker I sound going on about this crap so I'll shut up. >.<
Endingz: Momo, who is somehow alive (WTF people) walks down a street and gets in Tracy's car. We think he is healed, but then we realise he isn't. Ho hum. Wondertrio and joined by Hiro and they rip up the formula. Matt and Daphne hug; Hiro and Ando bow. THERE IS THE COUPLE PARALELL RIGHT THERE. Hiro and Ando are too canon not to. The others watch the building burn.
Issues raised include: CLAIRE. Is she now a murderer if Sylar isn't really dead? SYLAR. What explanation will they give us? ANGELA. Who are Sylar's parents and how does she know? PETER. Will he ever get his empathy multiple powers back? NATHAN. Will he ever just be on the non-corrupted side? TRACY. What's going down with that shiz? MOHINDER. Lizard/cockroach/healed? MATT. Is he gay or what?! I'M STARTING TO SEE STRAIGHTNESS AND I DO NOT LIKE IT. ANDO & HIRO: What is their next adventure? SYLAR: WILL HE EVER MAKE OUT WITH PETER ALREADY?!.
Tune in later to find out. (: